Kristin Brown
Bluefield State College
While completing her degree at Bluefield State College in pre-med, Kristin worked in a INBRE funded science laboratory as a researcher.
Studying the alternative medicine Active Hexose Correlated Compound in a stress mouse infected with Chlamydia Trachomastis, she worked independently running experiments and data collection.
Working with biohazardous or pathogenic materials in a sagacious manner, she oversaw the training and mentorship of five undergraduate research workers.
Kristin worked with a public health retrospective study to identify the utility of blood cultures drawn for an admitting diagnosis of pneumonia in a rural hospital,
Examining 500 patient records with an admitting diagnosis of pneumonia, including length of stay and results of any microbiological specimen collection.
Kristin is the co-principal investigator and writer of a mini-grant funded by NASA West Virginia Space Consortium. A solid grant writing back ground, Kristen excels in social science research and supports initiatives to increase literacy and interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in rural middle school students.
Personal Statement
I wish to bring quality healthcare and proper health education to poor, overlooked communities in rural West Virginia. New experiences during college have shown me that the Appalachian region faces many challenges in healthcare, and I wish to be part of the solution to this crisis. While it is my ultimate goal to become a primary care physician, my hope as a future healthcare provider is to work with local resources to improve not only the physical well-being of West Virginians but also their education and socioeconomic statuses. I look forward to banding together with other passionate community members in an effort to improve the overall livelihood of those in rural West Virginia.