Julius Scott
Great Falls College Montana State University
Julius Scott is a second-year student studying Computer Science/Programming at Great Falls College Montana State University (GFC MSU). Inspired by his desire to assist students who do not have enough to eat, he has been chair of the college's Food Pantry, Odds n' Ends. In this position he honed his leadership skills -- recruiting volunteers to work in the pantry, assisting students who need food and toiletries and shopping for pantry food and toiletries. He organized several food drives, including the 2018 Turkey Drive. He resigned that position in January to become vice-president of the Associated Students of GFC MSU. Another interest for Julius revolves around his chosen career field. In high school, he was a programmer and research leader for a robotics club that went on to win the First Tech Challenge state championship and Inspire award and competed in nationals. At GFC MSU, he is secretary in the Cyber Club. Besides learning about cyber security, the club competes in national competitions. He helped mentor students at the Cyber Patriot Cyber Camp in summer 2018. That same year, he received an ARES grant from the Montana Space Grant Consortium to update the software for the Trades Department's plasma tale.
Personal Statement
Food has always been a huge part of my life, I love it; much to my dismay. However, some people in life don't have the luxury of having a steady source of food at home. This inspired me to be a part of many food drives through various organizations when I was younger. I wanted to continue that routine when I became a college student. Going to college is a financial challenge, more so than it has been in the past. Students already have enough financial stress on their plate as it is. Whether or not they are going to get a plate of food during the day shouldn't be one of them. Which is why I help run our college's on-campus food pantry directly helping students and faculty with supplying food, toiletries, and other items so they won't go without those crucial items. I am also the current vice-president of student government which I advocate for campus policies to make sure students have the resources to continue going to school with everything they need to be successful and beyond.