John Todd
Jacksonville State University
John Todd is a senior at Jacksonville State University. His experiences in Lebanon and America have made him aware that food security is a primary social issue needing addressed. He has worked on campus to bring awareness of food insecurity among college students. Currently he is focusing on food security education. He hopes to establish a program to educate all incoming students of the problem and resources available to help. Students should not have to worry about where their next meal will come from. They should be able to focus on their classes and enjoy the college experience. John's efforts have illustrated a need and solutions for our campus community.
John M. Beehler Ph.D., CPA
Personal Statement
I first became exposed to the effects of food scarcity and resource insecurity had on a community when my family moved to Lebanon where we worked with Syrian refugees for six years. We engaged with the community to give people access to school, employment, and most necessary, food. Food insecurity was a very pervasive issue there, and is also found to be a problem here at home. This notion was further emphasized after an E-3 tornado struck my city of Jacksonville; the initial need of the community was great, with many people not knowing where to go or where their next meal was coming from. Poor access to food and basic necessities can put serious strain on any society, and my experiences gave me an interest and understanding in the ways scarcity impacts any community, and the methods we use to react to crisis.
John Todd