Hannah Zuckerberg
Pitzer College
Hannah Zuckerberg's commitment to create arable more inclusive Pitzer community where people from very different backgrounds and perspectives can engage in critical, healthy, and pluralistic dialog with one another is one of the many things that makes Hannah deserving of the Newman Civic Fellow title. Hannah's dialogic leadership style and determination to bridge communities together through her advocacy work at Pitzer and within her community, Hannah continues to be an inspiration to students at the College. Her intentionally dialogic approach to community building comes out in the weekly dinners that she organizes with students; in the way that she restructured management practices at The Shakedown, the student-run food coop at the college; and in her ongoing planning for a campus-wide student activist conference that she is organizing with our Native Program. Her experience leading and organizing has taught her that the way to change culture is to bring people into a meaningful and lasting community with one another.
Personal Statement
I am a leader and an organizer. I am also spiritual. As an Organizational Studies major with a concentration in Spirituality, who I am is what I do. I see the world as a series of overlapping organizations. Our country is fractured, hostile, and angry, therefore, so too are our communities. The Pitzer community falls into the cycle of dehumanizing those with different views. Instead of bringing people into our circles, we isolate ourselves into self-selecting echo chambers, leading us to greater feelings of frustration and disengagement from social and political issues. During my time at Pitzer, I have challenged this disabling culture. As a manager at the student-run restaurant, I have initiated affinity group events in efforts to bring people of different groups together. At my home, I host weekly Shabbat dinners where people of all belief systems come together and have meaningful, heart changing conversations. My experience leading and organizing has taught me that the way to change culture is to bring people into meaningful, lasting community with each other. What we do when we work together is more impactful and effective than when we work alone. As a leader in my community, my purpose is to shift the paradigm to love and compassion, for Pitzer, the nation, and the world.