Eseoghene Obrimah
Xavier University
Eseoghene Obrimah, a Junior Marketing and Digital Innovation Major at Xavier University, leverages her passion and academic interests to seek long-term solutions for addressing sexual assault. For the past two years Eseoghene has been deeply involved with this conversation that resonates on campuses and in communities alike by hosting events that not only raise awareness, but acknowledge how assault impacts each individual and their own journey of survival. She currently serves as a BRAVE Peer Educator and collaborates with student organizations and University offices to offer workshops on a variety of related topics including gender-based violence. Her combination of direct activism and committed research designed to change attitudes ultimately help facilitate open conversations that engage students from many diverse perspectives.
Personal Statement
The world makes it a lot easier to survive than to thrive. With limited support, resources, and a challenging justice system, this statement rings true for many survivors of sexual assault. My goal is to change this outcome and how it impacts a survivor's journey. I first became aware of the impact of sexual assault after watching the documentary "The Hunting Ground", and researching and presenting a paper discussing how to change students' attitudes towards assault. Knowledge is power and the knowledge I gained empowered me to volunteer for the Sexual Assault Awareness Month planning committee and ultimately help co-lead Take Back the Night, a march to elevate the conversation around sexual assault. I became a BRAVE Peer Educator, co-developed workshops on gender-based violence, and collaborated with student organizations and University offices to engage discussions about sexual assault that acknowledge how it intersects with the unique identities of each individual. As a storyteller, I want to leverage media to clearly demonstrate that sexual assault is more than facts and numbers; it's people.