Echo Hahn
Grays Harbor College
Echo Hahn, a first year student at Grays Harbor College, is a student lead volunteer who has dedicated herself to improving the world around her. That world includes all people and their environment. Under the most trying of conditions Echo is ready to participate, to lead, to inspire and support others, to provide a better environment for the community now and for future generations who will inherit, she hopes, a cleaner, safer, more natural environment where all of nature's species flourish. She has spent countless hours in streams, forests, in fish labs, at the Diversity and Equity Center, or at Goodwill Industries dedicating herself to helping make a positive difference.
Personal Statement
I grew up in a failing milltown, and though we never had much, my siblings and I were raised in a very service-oriented household. The philosophy at my house was always that when we had nothing else to donate we had time, and though the world had never given us anything, the world itself was enough. I have never stopped believing that stewardship is our responsibility as citizens, a responsibility just as important as military service or voting. As I've gotten older, I've come to realize that my generation is inheriting a world of injustice and suffering, and I am determined to help change it. I've become increasingly more involved politically and socially in the last few years, and as I've worked I've met new people with new ideas and have been inspired with new hope for our future. It'll take a lot of hard work, but I believe that we can accomplish wonders when we work together to enact change.