Daniel Gaines
Anderson University
Daniel Gaines, a second-year student at Anderson University, is a student leader passionate about public service through servant leadership. As a graduate of the Youth Leadership Academy of Madison County, he has actively engaged in civic service through churches, volunteering at a food pantry, and serving as a House Page for the Indiana House of Representatives. Daniel is a fellow in the university's Center for Public Service (an honors program for public service) where he integrates his studies in national security studies, political science, and history with service opportunities.
Personal Statement
Four years ago, I began volunteering at a local food pantry. I have been humbled to serve in this capacity ever since. To this day I recognize my decision to continue volunteering as one of the best I have made throughout my academic career. I am extremely interested in serving the needy in my society and contributing to the wellbeing of those around me. Seeing the poverty throughout my volunteering at a food pantry has produced in me an interest for economic equality. A Newman Civic Fellowship would greatly assist me in my pursuit of supporting those in need. In addition, I am a member of my university's Student Government Association (SGA). Volunteering has made me better value the necessity of supporting others; thus, I became an SGA Senator. I am able to represent my peers and ensure that their voices are heard across the university's campus. I believe that the Newman Civic Fellowship's leadership lessons and accessibility to quality mentors can help me achieve my aspiration to create a more (economically) equal society.