Cole Berry
Fort Hays State UniversityCole Berry is a dedicated and accomplished student and has illustrated his commitment to engaged civic leadership both in and out of the classroom. His passion is to serve and set an example for children and youth and to mentor the next generation of leaders; leaders who will be faced with global complexities that have yet to be imagined. In fulfillment of his dream to serve children and their families and in striving to be a positive force in his community, he serves the Children’s Ministry at his local church in addition to participating with the Christian Challenge Team at FHSU. In fall 2021, Cole worked with a group of his peers at FHSU to partner with a local middle school wherein they created a leadership development curriculum and workshop for the middle school students in addition to establishing mentoring relationships. He has been selected to participate in the 2022-23 Voss Advanced Leadership Undergraduate Experience (VALUE) through the Leadership Studies Department and will be focused on the application of adaptive leadership to solve real world problems.
Personal Statement
My passion in this world is to serve and set an example for the youth of the next generations. In a world where social issues are everywhere, children need to be presented with a world where they can thrive and look forward to experiencing. In my life I have seen how children are impacted by these issues from as little as observation of families I have connected with to the horrors of national and global trafficking of children. Being exposed to lives that I did not endure as a child that I would never have wanted to, motivate me to strive to make a difference in any way I can. Throughout my academic career so far, I have made sure to find churches and organizations where I can serve youth and be present in their lives. My hopes with pursuing a degree in Organizational Leadership are that I will be better equipped to step into the world and lead others to address issues and make a difference in the lives of children and families. The youth of this world are arguably the most important generation and that is why they must not be overlooked in the midst of worldly issues.