Cassidy Beck
Rogers State University
Cassidy Beck, a third year student at Rogers State University, is a leader both on campus and within the community. She is currently a member of the President's Leadership Class, where she serves as President of the organization. She was named the Outstanding Freshman of the Year and the Outstanding Sophomore of the Year, for her efforts in community service and campus involvement. Cassidy also was the recipient of the George and Donna Nigh Leadership Academy Scholarship. Through her presidency she has organized several events on campus. In 2021 Cassidy led a successful community and campus wide project to provide more than a dozen Claremore families in need with a full Thanksgiving meal.
Personal Statement
I currently serve as the President of Rogers State University's President's Leadership Class. I recently spearheaded a project to aid the less fortunate within the community. Working with several campus and community groups, we were able to provide more than a dozen Claremore families with full Thanksgiving meals for them to enjoy with their loved ones. This project provided students with first-hand experience in communication, teamwork, organizational skills, problem-solving, and networking. When not on campus, I aim to make a positive difference through my position in the workplace and church community. As a Newman Civic Fellow, I strive to continue making a positive difference both on campus and in the community.