Amy Blanchette
Bristol Community CollegeAmy Blanchette is currently a student at Bristol Community College (BCC) in the midst of completing her Associate's Degree in English. Amy began her career at BCC in the Fall of 2014 and quickly immersed herself in our community with the same enthusiasm, sense of pride, and investment that she has put into her work outside of the College for many years. In her short time at BCC, Amy has become Student Senate President, President and Founder of the Coalition Against Domestic Violence, co-founder of a parent support group, and has taken on paid jobs in the Center for Civic Engagement, The Quest Program, and the Writing Center.
Amy is a single mother who has found a way to successfully juggle her academic endeavors, four jobs, and community work, while meeting the needs of her son and engaging him in her work to increase his awareness and exposure to the positive world of education and community activism. Amy is a selfless woman dedicated to improving her community. She aspires to earn a Ph.D. to allow her to return to her community and serve as a professor of English in the future.
Personal Statement
Living in a poor neighborhood, where crime and drugs are so prevalent, I felt responsibility to make a difference. I joined the Flint Neighborhood Association, and we started to clean up our neighborhood and city parks, apply for grants, and work with the police department to get the drugs and weapons off the streets. Shortly after, I created a Flint Neighborhood Youth group with another neighborhood member. Most of these kids came to us hungry and in need of a mentor. As a neighborhood association, we bought an abandoned historic school and are transforming it into a community center. As we have progressed in our efforts over the years, I decided to attend BCC to improve my education and increase my ability to help others. It would be impossible for me to calculate exactly how many hours I spend working with my respective communities and the time I volunteer. I have never considered or thought of these things as jobs or opportunities for padding on my resume; so even writing something like this is very difficult. I truly love being able to make a difference in my communities and have a passion in my soul that I cannot contain.