Amanda Pierce
Rose State College
Amanda Pierce has emerged as an active member of the Rose State College community through her engagement with campus events, service learning activities and personal achievement. She steps willingly into any situation and is kind, inclusive and genuine to everyone she meets. Amanda often takes a leadership role while participating in campus service learning and volunteer activities by including other students, volunteering for more difficult, but necessary, tasks and setting the example for her peers when at partner agencies. One will find a common theme behind her actions and involvement: Ms. Pierce is a passionate advocate for children and community. Throughout her time at Rose State College, Amanda has moved from a shy student to a strong force on the campus. She is respected by peers, faculty and staff alike. She is a student who leads by quiet example and uses her intelligence, her ambition and her passion to support and advocate for issues that are close to her heart and tied closely to the communities in which she is involved.
Personal Statement
1. A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
2. A feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.
Now that you know the definition of community, can you say that you have experienced a sense of fellowship with others in your community? The feeling you get when you are working next to someone you have only known for an hour, packing boxes full of food at the food bank or clearing out a space that will be used to provide clothing for families _ that is when you truly become an active member of your community and its purpose. Community involvement is about more than fulfilling a need in that place, more than packaging pasta, more than pulling some weeds or clearing branches. It is hearing the number of meals you helped provide for families in your area. It is seeing the look on the faces of those you share this city or this state with when you hand them that bag of clothing that will keep them warm. It is about witnessing the love and compassion that people are capable of sharing and being a part of that exchange. Being involved in your community gives you the opportunity to connect with people and spread joy. It is not charity, an obligation, or duty. It's just love.