Alexus Quinn-Stevenson
Edgewood College
Alexus Quinn-Stevenson, a freshman at Edgewood College, is a student leader active in addressing issues of racial justice. Last year Alexus was a member of the planning committee for the national Minority Student Achievement Network Student Conference, as well as planning and participating as a panelist in the Dane County Youth and Unity Summit. This year Alexus has continued to find ways to engage and educate her peers by sharing her insights on the issues at stake for the water protectors at the Standing Rock Camp in North Dakota. Alexus utilizes her leadership skills to help educate her peers and the wider community about issues of social justice.
Personal Statement
Since I was a young student, I strived to ensure that those students underrepresented in our educational systems gained a voice. Being a woman of color in a classroom lacking diversity gave me the emotional tools to support those who feel unaccommodated in their classes. I find my passion lies most with helping those who suffer from oppressions faced in our educational and judicial systems. I have participated in numerous outreach programs supporting minorities, with my most recent trip to Standing Rock, North Dakota. As a future educator I vow to support all students, strongly believing in their potential for success.