Community Engagement
COURSE DESCRIPTION This interdisciplinary, community-based field study “laboratory” is a variable credit elective which provides students the opportunity to engage intensively in a community based project or program with academic application, support, guidance and supervision. Student may choose to take this course for 1-3 credits in order to more fully engage in a project derived from another class as a supplement to that class; or they may take this elective independently to pursue a project of interest with the community. Many students took this course in fall 2009 in order to participate in the USM LA Cares for Youth mentoring…
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Videos & Presentations
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Syllabi Archive
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External Websites
Renewing Democracy Teaching Collection

Community Colleges for Democracy: Aligni

Knowledge Hubs
Community-Engaged Learning and Teaching

Knowledge Hubs
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Civic Action Plans
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The Craft of Community-Engaged Teaching

Books & Publications
National Issues Forums Issue Guide: A Ho