Undergraduate Teaching Assistant in Service-Learning Program
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) in Service-Learning Program Community Service Programs piloted an undergraduate teaching assistant (UTA) for service-learning program in fall 1999. UTAs enroll in EDUC 388 Special Topics in Education and EDCI 498 Special Problems in Teaching for a total of four credits. The program meets three objectives: provide assistance to faculty who integrate service-learning into their teaching; help students explore the art of teaching, especially using service-learning pedagogy; and support students and faculty as partners in connecting service-learning theory and practice. UTA-SL program web page: For further information, contact Marie Troppe at mtroppe@accmail.umd.edu
CIVICUS, a thematic living-learning program
CIVICUS is a thematic living-learning program which began in fall 1999 through collaboration among the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, the Department of Resident Life, and the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences (BSOS). CIVICUS is based upon the concepts of leadership, citizenship, scholarship, community service and the development of a diverse community. CIVICUS Associates, the students in the program, have the unique opportunity to build a “”civil society”” in their residence hall through the study and application of these ideas. The process of creating this residential community involves all CIVICUS members and is influenced by common readings, special programs, guest…
College Park Scholars (CPS)
The College Park Scholars program, a thematically based, two-year program for academically talented students, engages its students in both curricular and co-curricular service. All 12 of its academic programs incorporate service-learning in some form. For example, the Advocates for Children program brings children from Paint Branch Elementary School to campus for tutoring once a week. The Media, Self and Society program is developing a video to educate children about homelessness. The video will be distributed by a national nonprofit organization. This year, the College Park Scholars annual Service Day involved more than 900 students in service in the City of…
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Renewing Democracy Teaching Collection

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Civic Action Plans
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Creating Space for Democracy: A Primer o

The Craft of Community-Engaged Teaching

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National Issues Forums Issue Guide: A Ho