Service learning partnership with the Mallett School French Program
In light of the Learning Results in Modern and Classical Languages which mandate second language acquisition from grades K-12 in the State of Maine, UMF embarked on a service learning partnership with Mallett School, to teach French in the elementary grades, and help Mallett school develop and sustain a foreign language curriculum. Several options were considered at the start of the program. French was selected because of local expertise and geographical setting, and also in light of costs involved and ease of running a second language program. Every classroom in each grade is involved, but the program was implemented in…
Creative Arts for the Young Child
ECE 156 – 001 Fall 2002 Instructor: Mellisa A. Clawson, Ph.D. Office Location: 201A Franklin Hall E-mail: Class Meetings: Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:30 1:45 p.m. Office Hours: Monday 2:00 4:00 p.m., Tuesday 9:30 11:30 a.m., Thursday 10:30 11:30 a.m. (These hours are set the first two weeks of classes only; regularly scheduled hours will be announced in class). Required Text: There is no required text for this course. Articles will be distributed in class. (Please see the List of Readings below). Course Overview: The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with approaches to the creative arts in…
Field Botany
*Note: If class participants agree, the hours of some field trips may be extended to allow for travel time. In addition, an all day field trip is planned for Friday, June 6. MOST CLASS MEETINGS WILL INVOLVE FIELD TRIPS AND WE WILL LEAVE PROMPTLY AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH CLASS. PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE IF YOU WILL BE ABSENT SO WE DON’T WASTE TIME WAITING FOR YOU! PLAN TO ARRIVE AT THE CLASSROOM AT LEAST FIVE MINUTES PRIOR TO STARTING TIME. YOUR GRADE WILL BE COMPROMISED IF YOU MISS CLASS, PLEASE BE RESPONSIBLE!!!! Texts: 1. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, by Lawrence…
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