Disability and community participation: Policy, systems, change and action research
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course focuses on the intersect of disability policy, activism, and action research, and is grounded within a collaborative learning framework with disability communities. Our emphasis is placed on immersing into a critical examination of the policies, systems and practices utilized by people with disabilities to support community living and participation choice and control, as well as activism and social action initiatives to build collective power and critical consciousness. A specific focus is placed on designing, conducting and evaluating action research projects in collaboration with community organizations, activists, policy makers and constituents with disabilities from the community. Community-based…
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Videos & Presentations
Virtual Symposium: Anti-Racist Community
Syllabi Archive
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External Websites
Renewing Democracy Teaching Collection

Community Colleges for Democracy: Aligni

Knowledge Hubs
Community-Engaged Learning and Teaching

Knowledge Hubs
Electoral Engagement in Community Colleg

Civic Action Plans
University of Mary Washington Civic Acti

Creating Space for Democracy: A Primer o

The Craft of Community-Engaged Teaching

Books & Publications
National Issues Forums Issue Guide: A Ho