Community Nutrition I
Course Description: This course will provide an introduction to the practice of public health nutrition, discussion of significant public health nutrition problems today, and an overview of food and nutrition programs available to the community. In addition, students in the Coordinated Program in Dietetics will integrate course information with their current community clinical placement experiences. Students in the Didactic Program in Diatetics will engage in a specific community project during the course of the semester. Required Texts Boyle, A. M. and D. H. Holben, Community Nutrition in Action: An Entrepreneurial Approach, fifth edition, Cengage, 2010. Course Objectives Students will be…
Understanding Literacy Development & Phonics
Understanding Literacy Development & Phonics Dr. Oswald Office: Room 32, Zook Hall Phone: 330 972 5483 E mail: COURSE DESCRIPTION: Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program. This is the first in a series of four courses designed to prepare pre-service teachers to teach reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in an integrated manner. The foundations of literacy will be strongly emphasized, as will the role of comprehension, phonics, and functional spelling in language learning. Ten service learning hours are required outside of class. The use of technology in the literacy classroom will be integrated throughout the course. (IRA…
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