Black Women’s Health in the Age of Hip Hop & HIV/AIDS
Overview This course will serve as the inaugural course offering under the newly established capstone service-learning course designation ADST 483. We will explore interchanges among critical race theory, black feminist thought, and black women’s health, with emphasis on the role that the HIV/AIDS crisis has played in networking these discourses at the site of hip hop-inflected literary, artistic, and musical representations of black women’s bodies. Required readings for the course will include Quinn Gentry’s Black Women’s Risk for HIV: Rough Living (2007); Tricia Rose’s Longing to Tell: Black Women Talk about Sexuality & Intimacy (2004); Dorie Gilbert and Ednita Wright’s…
Adolescent Psychology
Adolescence is a transitional period in the human life span, linking childhood and adulthood. Understanding the meaning of adolescence is important because adolescents are the future of any society. Course Description This course examines salient issues concerning adolescent development. The focus will be on adolescent development as influenced by diverse contexts. Particular attention will be given to the challenges and strengths associated with adolescent development in New Orleans and other urban cities. The course format includes lectures and discussion. Each class meeting I will lecture on specific topic to be covered. Each student is expected to be ready to discuss…
Research Methods in Urban Communities
PSYC 439 RESEARCH METHODS IN URBAN COMMUNITIES Section 01: Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays 10:00-10:50 Location: Mechanical Engineering Bldg., room 206 Instructor: Michael Cunningham, Ph.D. Office: Percival Stem Hall, Room 3038 Telephone: 862 3308 Email: Office Hours: Wednesdays, 1 2:30 p.m. and by appointment Course Description: This lecture course that includes a mandatory laboratory section and service learning experience will cover several themes: (1) basic research methods used in applied psychology research, (2) understanding of learning outside of a traditional classroom, and (3) an emphasis on integrating both quantitative and qualitative research methods with community engagement strategies. Course Objectives: Students…
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