Rebuilding the Mississippi Gulf Coast
Course Overview: The purpose of this course is to engage students in the rebuilding process, including the principles, concepts, processes and practice related to disaster recovery currently used in the United States. Course Objectives: You should upon completion of this course: Gain an understanding of post-disaster planning; Understand the key elements of comprehensive planning; Engage in effective service-learning; Organize and participate in large-scale community meetings, stakeholder meetings, and meetings with individuals; Be able to communicate in a collaborative work team and; Improve your research and writing skills. Assigned Reading Daniels, Thomas, John Keller, Lapping, Mark, Daniels, Katherine and James Segedy….
Rebuilding the Mississippi Gulf Coast
Course Description Consumer problems related to production and allocation of housing, especially for low-income households. Includes service-learning experience related to data collection, analysis and reporting in the context of neighborhood development. Course Prerequisites: ECON 200 and FmResM 340 Objectives When finished with this course, the successful student will be able to (1) Understand importance of housing in US society; (2) Identify institutions and special interests involved in the production, maintenance, regulation and distribution of housing; (3) Compare and evaluate alternative solutions to housing problems; (4) Collect, interpret, and report housing data. Course Reading Materials Medoff, P., & Sklar, H. (1994)….
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