US/Brazil Consortia Seminar: Sustainability in Urban Communities of Poverty
Introduction/Background This seminar will be the final of three annual fall courses addressing the revitalization of Syracuse’s Near Eastside Neighborhood. Students and faculty will work hand-in-hand with Eastside Neighbors in Partnership (ENIP), a community development organization that works with a severely challenged neighborhood on the city’s east side. The seminar is a component of the US/Brazil Design Research Consortia, which includes ESF, two Brazilian universities (the University of Brazil and Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do SuI) and Perul State. These four programs have been working together for the past three years to explore the multi-faceted topic of “Sustainable Urban…
Writing 405
Course Rationale and Goals Writing 405 is the final course in the sequence of Writing Studios at Syracuse University. The course is intended to prepare graduating students to understand and take up the kinds of writing and rhetorical tasks that will be expected in the professional workplace. In this class, we will continually attempt to balance the tension between the “academic” and the “professional,” between theory and practice. Therefore, you will find yourself writing the forms and contexts you have become accustomed to as students, as well as in ways you may be less familiar with but that are common…
Writing Studio 1: Writing and Learning in the Community
When we experience something we act upon it, we do something with it; then we suffer or undergo the consequences. We do something to the thing and then it does something to us in return: such is the peculiar combination. The connection of these two phases of experience measures the fruitfulness or value of the experience. -John Dewey “Experience and Thinking” (139). Catalog description: Writing 105 develops students’ abilities to use writing for learning, thinking, and critical reading of complex texts. The classroom provides workshop discussions and practice in basic elements of the writing process. Instructor description: The purpose of…
Methods of Policy Analysis and Presentation
GOAL: Develop skills required in gathering, analyzing, and presenting information to assist public service agencies in the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of policies. SKILLS YOU WILL DEVELOP: Negotiating with a client to determine the goals and structure of a research project. Working with supervisors, clients, colleagues and experts in designing and implementing a research project. Using statistics and graphs to help clients understand the information collected. Managing time and understanding what it takes to produce a professional product. Developing an understanding of how government and non-profit organizations try to improve society. Examine the role of research methods in the formulation,…
Literacy Tutoring: Principles and Practices
Center For Public & Community Service 237 Schine Student Center Office Hours: M-F 8:30 – 5:00 Kathleen A. Hinchman Reading & Language Arts Education 201 Huntington Hall Office Hours: M, 1 – 4 and by appt “In that one hour, such a difference was made. It’s a good feeling; it makes me feel that this program and volunteering as a whole is a worthwhile and productive thing. ” “I can’t believe weeks are passing. I’m fortunate for this experience.” It is said that up to 23 million Americans cannot read and write sufficiently. Estimates suggest that roughly 45,000 Central New…
The Community Design Center Workshop
ARC 500-2 Community Design Center Workshop. (CDC)Advisor: Pamela Heintz, Center for Public and Community Service (CPCS)Leadership Intern: Joseph Ho (CDC), Brian Howells (CPCS)3 Credit Hours SCHEDULE: Monday – 6:00 – 9:00pmLOCATION: Room 302, Slocum Hall workshop/studio or otherwise as notedOFFICE HOURS: Office 417A Wednesday and Friday, 10:00am – 12:00am(Additional hours by appointment) The Community Design Center will operate out of room 302 in Slocum Hall. The room is outfitted with eight drawing tables, a conference table, files for research, slide projectors for presentations and a computer for word processing. The room is to be used specifically for projects undertaken within…
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