Youth Empowerment and Civic Engagement
Course Description What is civic engagement? Why do some heed its call, while others shrug their shoulders and change the subject? How do youth who are involved in their communities evaluate their contributions? How do adults view their efforts? What results can programs that seek to engage and empower youth show? How can researchers and evaluators measure these outcomes and their meanings for the youth, for adults, for their communities, and for society? This course will explore questions such as these, starting from the premise that youth civic participation is not just important, but imperative in a democracy. We will…
Poverty and Homelessness in America
Course Description This two quarter course will combine formal academic study on the topic of poverty and homelessness in the United States with an internship experience in a shelter-providing agency either in Santa Clara County or San Mateo County. Students will read weekly selections of articles and books relating to analyses of and personal experiences with poverty and homelessness in American cities. Perhaps the most important part of the course is the internship each student will be involved in at a local homeless shelter. Students will engage in a directed social service-type internship and will be expected to devote about…
Strategies for Sustainable Development
STANFORD UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE POLS 104. URBAN POLICY: STRATEGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WINTER 2002 Luis Ricardo Fraga, Associate Professor Office: Encina Hall, Rm. 444, 723 5219, COURSE DESCRIPTION This course focuses on the identification and consideration of strategies for sustainable development in contemporary central cities in the U.S. Sustainable development is understood to include at least five distinct types of resources: human capital, social capital, fiscal capital, policy capital, and political capital. When major cities began to develop in the U.S. in the 1840s, the concentration of peoples, fiscal capital, industries, businesses, and political power presented…
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