Student Resource Center and the Leadership Institute
The SDSU Student Resource Center oversees the Leadership Institute that has a number of programs, a conference, and a leadership course that are founded in the belief of the Social Change Model of Leadership Development (Higher Education Research Institute, University of California, Los Angeles). The Student Resource Center staff truly believes that the development of leadership skills can and should be linked to the community. All of their initiatives include a service-learning component. SDSU Service Learning home E-mail:
Social and Ethical Issues in Business
College of Business Administration Meets: T 4:00-6:40 pm, BA 342 Schedule Number: 22315 Instructor: Assoc. Professor Craig P. Dunn, Ph.D. Office: SS 3105 Office Hours: 3:00-4:00 pm T and by appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION: Ethics of various issues in business, including social responsibility, environmental protection, privacy, individual rights, occupational safety and health, product liability, equality of opportunity, and the morality of capitalism. What is the corporation? Do corporations–and more particularly the managers who represent them–have any responsibilities beyond seeking to maximize shareholder wealth? Is the term “business ethics” an oxymoron? What is the source of moral truth? These and other related…
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