On the Road From Service-Learning to the Engaged Campus
Over the years, a few faculty and specific programs at PCC have in one way or another connected their course study to the community. Three years ago, however, a grass-roots movement among faculty and staff organized the Service Learning Steering Committee in an attempt to promote the concepts of community-based education within PCC s three comprehensive campuses. With a few passionate faculty and staff members on each campus who believed in the positive impact that Service Learning could have on the lives of our students and the community, the Committee applied for, then received, a small grant that would pay…
Introduction to Nonprofits and Philanthropy
Required Materials: Busse and Pascal Joiner, The Idealist Guide to Nonprofit Careers for First-Time Job Seekers, available online for free at: http://www.idealist.org/en/career/guide/firsttime/index.html All course materials will be available through Blackboard. Course Description: Surveys the role of the nonprofit and voluntary organizations in American society including the history, theory and challenges of the third sector. Includes a service learning project where students serve as philanthropists to their local community through the Students4Giving Project. Prerequisites: WR 115, RD 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement test scores. Recommended: BA 101. Please note: This course qualifies as a business elective at PCC and PSU…
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