The Program for Ethics, Science, and the Environment
The program for Ethics, Science, and the Environment assists students to understand and resolve value conflicts raised by scientific inquiry, biotechnology, and natural resource use. Programs include an applied ethics certificate offered to undergraduate students, workshops on ethics for local high school students and civic organizations, a biweekly student-faculty discussion forum, and a newsletter with articles writen by professors and religious leaders which express varying views on critical moral issues. Website
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Videos & Presentations
Virtual Symposium: Anti-Racist Community
Syllabi Archive
Submit a Syllabus for the Archive

External Websites
Renewing Democracy Teaching Collection

Community Colleges for Democracy: Aligni

Knowledge Hubs
Community-Engaged Learning and Teaching

Knowledge Hubs
Electoral Engagement in Community Colleg

Civic Action Plans
University of Mary Washington Civic Acti

Creating Space for Democracy: A Primer o

The Craft of Community-Engaged Teaching

Books & Publications
National Issues Forums Issue Guide: A Ho