The Speaking, Arguing, and Writing Program
Education for citizenship has always been a cornerstone of the Liberal Arts Education at Mount Holyoke College. We believe that institutions of Higher Learning have a particular responsibility in responding to society s major challenges, through their teachings and their own actions. The challenges of the 21st century demand that we reverse the widespread feelings of apathy, impotence, and cynicism towards public and civic life and that we build a common understanding of the pressing problems of our times and of possibilities for solving them. To that effect, Mount Holyoke College founded the Center for Leadership and Public Interest Advocacy…
The Weissman Center for Leadership
The Weissman Center for Leadership is a promising practice at Mount Holyoke College that illustrates how our campus is successfully fulfilling its civic mission. Our strategic plan, The Plan for Mount Holyoke 2003, adopted in 1997, centers the College on our mission to foster the alliance of excellent liberal arts education with purposeful engagement in the world. It spawned a number of faculty-led initiatives including our now thriving Weissman Center for Leadership. The overarching goal of the Weissman Center is to enhance students abilities to become effective agents of change. In its first few years the Center has drawn significant…
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Renewing Democracy Teaching Collection

Community Colleges for Democracy: Aligni

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Community-Engaged Learning and Teaching

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Electoral Engagement in Community Colleg

Civic Action Plans
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Creating Space for Democracy: A Primer o

The Craft of Community-Engaged Teaching

Books & Publications
National Issues Forums Issue Guide: A Ho