Communication Consulting, Training and Outreach
COMMUNICATION CONSULTING, TRAINING AND OUTREACH Instructor: Dr. Tasha J. Souza Office: House 54 Rm. 103 Office Hrs: M/F 10:00-11:00, W 5:00-6:00 & by appt. Semester: Fall 2002 Class Times: W 6:00-8:50 E mail: Phone: 826-3462 Required Reading The Consultant’s Craft: Improving Organizational Communication, by Sue DeWine (2001) Comm 480 Reading Packet Course Description Communication 480 is designed to provide you with a grounding in the theoretical and practical approaches to communication consulting as well as experience in the design, presentation and evaluation of a communication training session. You will utilize your skill and knowledge in communication to train others…
Volunteer Experience
Course Description: Beginning experience in a social service setting to acquire skills in relationships building and to develop understanding of social work ethics, values and roles in a diverse society. Focus of seminar meetings is the exploration of self in relationship to helping. Prereguisites: Sophomore standing. Required for social work pre-majors. Completion or concurrent enrollment in Introduction to Social Work and Social Work Institutions, SW230 is desirable. Objectives: Students will: (1) become aware of how their personal needs and beliefs may influence a helping relationship. (2) distinguish between being a “friend” and a “helper.” (3) identify some of the core…
Multicultural Education
Office: 210 Harry Griffith HallOffice hours: M W F 2:30-4:00 or by appointment Required Texts: 715 Reading Packet Kozol, Jonathan. (1991). Savage Inequalities. New York: Harper Perennial. Introduction:There are far too many institutional and social constraints within schools blocking equitable educational opportunities for some students. There is far too little skepticism and questioning concerning groups of students who fail to learn much in our schools and fail to graduate. We (society, teachers, researchers, politicians, administrators, you, me) hold tight to our conception of what schools and learning are supposed to look like despite overwhelming evidence, especially in urban schools, that…
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