Secondary School Effective Instruction
Catalog Description 3 semester credits. A guided practicum experience including classroom instruction on learner characteristics, cooperative learning, management of student conduct, various domains of the Florida Performance Measurement System (FPMS) and the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAP). One day clinical practicum experience is required. Students are placed in schools according to the campus where the student has enrolled. Not offered in the summer. Course Connection to Conceptual Framework As reflective decision-makers, the students will make informed decisions, exhibit ethical behavior, and provide evidence of being capable professionals by appropriately interacting in the classroom with secondary school students and teachers, assisting…
Art: Elementary School
Catalog Description 2 Credits. Basic methods for teaching art in the elementary school. The development of skills and creative behavior in children. Course Connection to Conceptual Framework As a reflective decision-maker, the student makes informed and ethical decisions and provides evidence of being a capable professional by developing and presenting lessons that demonstrate a respect for the developmental characteristics of young children. Students demonstrate the ability to create artwork and evaluate historical and cultural artwork using knowledge of art elements and principles of art and aesthetic theory. Academic Service-Learning Due to the nature of the course content and the required…
Black Literatures
Course Description This course explores literature from the African diaspora – particularly West Africa, the U.S., and the Caribbean. A range of questions will guide our discussion including: What constitutes the African diaspora? What is the relationship between diaspora and nation? What are the connections between the African diasporas in the construction of a black identity? We will read fiction and drama from Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, South Africa, Jamaica, Haiti, England, and the U.S. (among other countries) with protagonists who often look to Africa and/or the ancestors for renewal and empowerment. Among the themes we will explore are oral…
Operations Management
Text: Operations Management (8e): Processes and Value Chains Krajewski, Ritzman, Malhotra; Prentice Hall, 2007 Description This is an introductory course in the fundamentals of Operations Management. Students will be introduced to the basic concepts and techniques of managing operations both in the service and manufacturing and sectors. Course Objectives 1. To develop an appreciation and comprehension of the contribution of operations to the overall competitive position of a service/ manufacturing organization. 2. To understand how Operations integrates with other functions of the firm, with an emphasis on the relationship between Information Systems/Technology and Operations Management. 3. To develop a basic understanding of…
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