Violence in Families
Course Description: This course explores various forms of violence in families including violence between spouses and violence of parents toward children. Factors contributing to the violence will be discussed as well as methods of preventing and/or ameliorating patterns of violence within families. Students in this course will develop an understanding of the reciprocal relationship between the family and society by exploring violence in families as a training ground for societal violence as well as how family patterns are influenced by the values and attitudes in larger society. (This course counts toward the CJS, NVS, & WGS minors.) Course Goals: The…
Principles and Methods in Human Services
Ext. 6459 Alamance 213 D Office Hours: MWF 11:00-1:00, TT 1:00-2:30 In addition to the above hours I am generally in my office from about 8:00 until at least 3:00each weekday. While I make a special effort to guard the above office hours from the intrusionof other activities, I have found this to be impossible due to various meetings and administrativeresponsibilities. I encourage you to drop by any time but also feel free to schedule anappointment with me to be sure that you will find me in. Texts: Kozol, J. (2000). Ordinary Resurrections. New York, NY: Crown Publishers. Neukrug,…
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