Multicultural Issues in Urban Affairs
URBAN SEMESTER PROGRAM Multicultural Issues in Urban Affairs HE470 Seminars are normally embedded in the site visits. 3 credits This course uses New York City as a classroom. The landscape, built environment, and people in it are our texts. A great teacher, Paolo Freire, once said that we need to learn how to “read the word and the world.” This is what we will do in this course with an emphasis on reading the world. Two parts direct our attention. The first part focuses us on the formation and development of this multicultural city. We will traverse lower Manhattan…
Perspectives in Human Ecology
Preparations for Fieldwork: Perspectives in Human Ecology Dwight Giles, Instructor Spring 1992 CLASS TIMES Section 1: Tuesday and Thursday, 10: 10 12:05, Room NC3 5 MVR Section 2: Tuesday and Thursday, 2:30 4:25, Room NG35 MVR OFFICE HOURS: Mondays, 1:30 4:00, and by appointment, Room 170d MVR TEACHING ASSISTANTS Michael Dill Susan Losee Steve Sharon Sharon Siegel Paul Weisenfeld Teaching Assistants’ Office Hours are posted on Room 154, MVR, they will also be distributed in class. COURSE GOAL The goal of FIS 200 is to provide pre-field students with instruction and practice field learning skills that will enable them to…
Web-GIS and Environmental Justice
This is the second GIS Applications workshop that is focused on the theme of Environmental Justice and GIS. It is intended to provide a forum where students can share their portable technical skills with community groups that bring place-based knowledge to a project. The cooperation between Cornell CRP and the Community University Consortium for Regional Environmental Justice is unprecedented. This workshop reflects two agendas: 1) identifying and developing strategies for planners and technology to assist community-based organizations in their day to day struggles for environmental and economic justice, and 2) the need to produce a system of web-pages that presents…
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