The Holleran Center for Community Action and Public Policy
The Holleran Center for Community Action and Public Policy is a multidisciplinary, academic center that is dedicated to teaching, research, and community collaborations that foster active citizenship and community leadership in a multicultural, democratic society. Directed by an advisory board composed of college and community representatives, the center oversees three major areas: 1) The Program in Community Action (PICA), 2) Community Learning Course Development, 3) Community Partnerships and Public Policy. The Holleran Center also promotes the development of community learning courses at the College. Community learning takes many forms, including internships, action research, and courses with required service components. The…
Connecticut College Program in Community Action
I had wildly underestimated the impact that a college president had to convene and request and engage and inspire. All over our country, we in higher education could do a lot more if we used the moral juice that comes in our food basket and let others have a sip. Claire Gaudiani has good reason to speak. During her presidency at Connecticut College (1988-2001), she was at the helm of a panoply of innovative efforts that placed her in a leadership role in the local, state, and national community. Nationally, Gaudiani used her presidency to be a leading advocate for…
Adolescent Development
BLAU 203 W 1:00-3:45 PM OFFICE HOURS: M W 10:00-11:30 AM, & by appt., 122 Children’s School, nr. Harkness Chapel, COURSE DESCRIPTION and OBJECTIVES. An examination of adolescence and youth with emphasis on personal, real-life, and timely topics that can be tied to current scholarly inquiry. This course will include lectures, group and class discussions, and multimedia presentations. Relative to the goals of the course, students will: consider the historical and social contexts of adolescent development; learn theories regarding the physical, cognitive, psychosocial, sexual, and moral development of adolescents; be exposed to current research and theory on risk factors affecting…
Social and Personality Development
COURSE DESCRIPTION and OBJECTIVES. This course examines theory and research in human personality and social development throughout the life span. Topics include attachment, altruism, aggression, issues of family diversity, gender and racial identity development, and family and social influence. The course also includes examination of the processes by which children, adults, and families acquire the beliefs, values, and behaviors considered desirable (or undesirable) by the society to which they belong, as well as how individuals acquire the distinctive individual qualities, temperaments and tendencies which we call personality. The objectives of the course are to gain a better awareness of, and…
Environmental Studies/Geophysics: River Hydrology and Hydraulics
Fall 1999 Office Hours: MTW 11:30 AM – 12:20 PM (Please stop by with questions). Lecture (Bill 404): MWF 10:30 – 11:20 A.M. Lab (Bill 404): M 1:30 – 4:20 Text: Gordon, McMahon & Finlayson, 1992. Stream Hydrology: An Introduction for Ecologists, John Wiley Catalogue Description: The development and evolution of natural channel systems will be investigated. Special emphasis on environmental river restoration and aquatic habitat. Topics include the physics of flowing water, sediment transport by rivers, flow and substrate characterization techniques and flood hydrology. Laboratory requires the students to jointly design a river restoration project for an environmentally degraded…
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