The Community
Institution: Clemson University Discipline: Sociology Title: The Community Instructor: B.J. Vander Mey RS/SOC 459 The Community Dr. B. J. Vander Mey Office: 130 E Brackett Phone: 656.3821; 656.7988 Office Hours: 8:00 9:00, 11:00 noon TTH; 3:30 4:30 TH. Email: Official Course Description: “Close analysis of the development of contemporary communities and their place in society. Continuing effects of industrialization, migration, and technological change on community location and structure are examined. Structural relations of social class, status, and the associations among institutions are examined.” Required Texts: Flora, Cornelia Butler, et al. 1992. Rural Communities: Legacy & Change. South Burlington, VT:…
Organizational Communication
Speech & Communication Studies Fall Semester 1999 OVERVIEW This course explores theories and practices of organizational communication from a critical, historical, and applied perspective. The primary objective of the course is to provide in-depth analytical treatments of issues related to the personal, relational, cultural, group, business, global, and ethical dimensions of everyday communication practices. A second objective is to apply what you are learning to the organization and management of communication in professional contexts through involvement in a Service Learning project. OPERATING PROCEDURES The course is designed to be communication intensive. This means you will be expected to read, write,…
Children s Literature with Service Learning Component
Required Texts: *Babbitt, Natalie. Tuck Everlasting.Bang, Molly. The Grey Lady and the Strawberry Snatcher. *Burnett, Frances Hodgson. The Secret Garden.*Casterton, Peter (Editor), et al. Goddesses Heroes and Shamans : The Young People's Guide to World Mythology.*Hesse, Karen. Out of the DustHoffmann, Heinrich. Struwwelpeter in English Translation.Krause, Lois. "How We Learn and Why We Don·t" Sendak, Maurice. Where the Wild Things Are. Stanley, Jerry. Children of the Dust Bowl.Tatar, Maria, ed. The Classic Fairy Tales.Taylor, Mildred. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.Special Order: Buy only ONE of the following Mildred Taylor novellas:Taylor, Mildred. The Friendship—. Mississippi Bridge —. Song of the…
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