Introduction to Service in Multicultural Communities – Section 1: Men’s Issues
Monday/Wednesday 8:00 – 10:00 Building 46, Room 103 E-mail: Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 10:00 – 11:00 (I welcome the opportunity to meet with you individually to discuss the course readings, your work in the community, or any other relevant/irrelevant topic that might be on your mind. Feel free to e-mail or call me for an appointment.) COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION (CP) ULR LEARNING OUTCOMES The purpose of the CP ULR is to foster the development of self-reflective, culturally aware and responsive community participants through reciprocal service and learning. Students who fulfill the CP ULR by receiving a grade of “C”…
Introduction to Service in Multicultural Communities – Section 2: Youth Literacy and America Reads
Community Participation University Learning Requirement (CP) Successful college graduates posses skills and knowledge in many areas. Among these include collaboration, leadership, active citizenship, multicultural understanding, reflective thinking, critical analysis, and the ability to be a change agent in their community. The ULR in Community Participation (CP) is designed to foster the development of self reflective, culturally aware and responsive community participants through reciprocal service and learning. Successful completion of SL200 with a grade of C or better fulfills this requirement. Students acquire competencies in Community Participation through reflecting on an ongoing, service experience (minimum of 30 hours/semester) with and requested…
Multicultural Children s Literature
TIME: Mondays and WednesdaysSection 1: 2:00 3:50 P.M., Section 2: 6:00 7:50 P.M. LOCATION: Section 1: – Bldg 45, Room 102Section 2: Bldg 45, Room 105Office: Bldg. 15, Room 164Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays (By appointment) Required Texts: Harris, V. (Ed.). Using, Multiethnic Literature in the K-8 Classroom. (1997). Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon Publishers, Inc. Bigleow, Bill. Rethinking Columbus: The Next 500 Years. (1998), Rethinking Schools, Dorris, Michael. Morning Girl. (1992). NY: Hyperion. Steptoe, John. The Story of Jumping Mouse. Anaya, Rudolfo. Bless Me. Ultima. (1972). Tonatiu-Quinto-Sol International Ada, Alma Flor. Gathering the Sun. (1997). Lothrop, Lee & Shepard. Soto, Gary….
Global Studies: Service Learning in Global Affairs & Intercultural Communication
Required BooksThe Alms Bazaar, Ian Smillie, 1995Activists Beyond Borders, M. Keck and K Sikkink, 1998Making Them Like Us, F. Fischer, 1998Conflict Mediation Across Cultures, D. Augsburger, 1992 Course Description The variety, services and number of both "North" and "South" non-governmental organizations has proliferated beyond anyone's wildest expectations in the last decade. Transnational activism is at an all time high. As a service learning course for Global Studies majors, this course will integrate knowledge of NGOs with volunteerism. in agencies that shape and share a "global" vision in some way. By the end of the course, students will have a better…
Oral History and Community
"Memory makes us, we make memory. Imagine yourself without a memory." Elizabeth Tonkin, Narrating Our Pasts "For every story there is another story which stands before it." Barbara Myerhoff, Number Our Days "I have summoned up the courage to tell my personal story because I believe that Americans deserve to know the truth. When I hear of those who say that the internment never happened, and that only those who wanted to live in camp were given that protection, I know how vital it is that the truth be told." Mary Tsukamoto, We the People "I know you must have…
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