Corporate and Nonprofit Media Projects
MCJ 118S Corporate and Nonprofit Media Projects Spring 2010 SYLLABUS CATALOG DESCRIPTION Prerequisites: MCJ 30 and 115. Advanced study of the planning, organization, and execution of media production techniques for informational and educational communications projects for corporations and nonprofits; a service learning approach provides practical experience working in production teams with clients. (2 lecture, 2 lab hours, 3 Units.) COURSE PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES The purpose of this course is to explore the production of media for use in the corporate and non-profit organizational environment. Through a combination of lecture and service learning activities you will gain experience in planning and…
Service-Learning Pedagogy and Practice
California State University, FresnoLEE 144S SERVICE-LEARNING PEDAGOGY AND PRACTICE (3 UNITS)Course InformationInstructor: Dr. Steven Hart Office: Kremen School of Education Room 247Email: Phone: 559-278-0319Course Website: Course DescriptionPrepares students to design and implement service-learning in K-12 schools and community settings. Examines theoretical roots, methods of effective teaching practice, and academic, social, emotional outcomes for student learning. Practical experience involves implementing project with local school districts.Service-Learning and Course GoalsService-learning allows students to learn about and experience democracy in action by becoming engaged, contributing citizens and community leaders. By blending community service activities with the academic curriculum, service-learning transforms education into a process of learning in which students…
Advanced Agribusiness Applications
Advanced Agribusiness Applications – AGBS 170 – Fall 2012California State University, FresnoDepartment of Agricultural BusinessCourse No.: AGBS 170 I Instructor: Annette E. Levi, Ph.D. Time: TTH 2:00-3:15pm Office #: Peters Business 301Final: Thurs. Dec 20, 3:30pm E-mail: alevi@csufresno.eduLocation: S 145 Telephone: 559.278.3004Prerequisite: AGBS 110, 120, 130, 150, 160 and UD WritingCatalog DescriptionResearch methods applied to agricultural business, problem definition and solution formulation; data collection and analysis using statistics and other techniques. Culminating activities may include research proposal, feasibility study, project review, business plan, strategic management, case study, written reports and oral presentations. Service-Learning Course Portion AGBS 170 is a senior-capstone course where students will apply a…
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