Philanthropy & Grant Making
COURSE DESCRIPTION: For thousands of years philanthropy—the desire to help humanity through charitable gifts—has built universities, hospitals, and museums, preserved the arts, fed the hungry, housed the homeless, and most importantly made the world a better place. Philanthropy, students will discover, is not just reserved for the rich, but for anyone interested in serving humanity and making a difference. This course will be a unique opportunity and experiment in “student philanthropy” because our class will invest a minimum of $12,000* (in real money!) in local nonprofit organizations. This opportunity for grant making is made possible by Students4GivingSM—an initiative of Campus…
Social Impact of the Mass Media
HCOM 307 SL Spring 2000 Course Description: How many times were you exposed to mass media today? You probably have heard the statistics: except for the ones who are still bunkered up, waiting for the Y2K fallout, Americans are exposed to hundreds of mass media messages every day. It is now a widely accepted fact that we spend more time consuming mass media than doing anything else, including sleeping, eating, working, or talking to our children (Massey 1999). It used to be that only a few of us actually worried about the effects of that massive exposure. Some very violent…
Social Action Writing: Witnessing Welfare
PRE-REQUISITE: Previous writing experience necessary. COURSE FULFILLS: Concentration in Creative Writing and Social Action OR Concentration in Women’s Studies AND Service Learning Requirement COURSE DESCRIPTION: Social Action Writing is a form of critical inquiry and an act of social responsibility. It is writing that witnesses, that breaks silences, that transforms lives. This is an advanced creative writing service learning class that centers on a particular public issue: welfare reform. Students will work collaboratively to research this issue, as well as co-create knowledge with those in the community who are affected by the new (Jan. 1, 1998) welfare reform policy. Students…
Applied Watershed Systems Restoration – Service Learning
Watershed Restoration in the Schools and CommunityWinter/Spring 2000 Semester Students with disabilities who may need accommodations please see me as soon as possible during office hours or by appointment. ESSP/SL MLO #11: Students must be able to share the relevance and importance of science with the culturally, linguistically, technologically, and economically diverse populations of our regional, national, and global communities. Students must be able to combine their ESSP discipline based knowledge with community experiences resulting in a new knowledge brought about by attention to the issues of social responsibility, justice, diversity, and compassion. Core Course Questions:1. How does participation in…
“Interpreting the History, Geology, and Ecology of Monterey Bay”
Course Description:This is a 2-unit Service Learning option associated with ESSP 195: “Special Topics: The History, Geology, and Ecology of Monterey Bay”. Students will learn about Monterey Bay in the special topics course and will share their knowledge with K-12 grade children at local schools by participating in the Virtual Canyon Project. This project is an ongoing effort to develop an interactive, educational, web-site to help school children learn about Monterey Bay, its deep underwater canyon, and the research process through which scientists learn about the bay and its inhabitants. Students in this service learning class will team up with…
Principles of Health Education
Professor and Chair of Health Science Director of Community-University Partnership CATALOGUE DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this course is to examine the philosophical, ethical and theoretical foundations of the professional practice of health education in school, community, work site and hospital settings, as well as in health promotion consultant activities. Students will be expected to develop their own philosophical, ethical and theoretical approach(s) to the field after becoming familiar with the literature related to the discipline and engaging in a service-learning project. The course does not fulfill the state health education requirement. Prerequisite: HSCI 120 or consent of the instructor. COURSE…
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