Dying: The Final Stage of Living
Department of General Studies Spring Semester 2003 “Dying: The Final Stage of Living” PROFESSOR: Dr. Kathryn D. Marocchino COURSE HOURS/LOCATION: Thursday: 19:00 21:50 PM, in CLS 102 REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: The Last Dance: Encountering Death and Dying by DeSpelder & Strickland, Mountain View: Mayfield Publishing Company, 2002 (6th edition) REQUIRED ACTIVITIES: Ten (10) hours of mandatory community service through Vallejo’s Kaiser Permanente Hospice Program (dates and hours to be determined and coordinated through Kaiser) PREREQUISITE: English Composition EGLI 00 (may be taken concurrently) OFFICE HOURS: W/Th: 11:00 13:00 and T/W/Th: 14:30 17:00 (by appointment) in the Community Service Learning Center (located…
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