Personal Development Portfolio
Students taking PDP 150, the first-year program at Bridgewater, are required to compile a “”Personal Development Portfolio””, which requires students to set personal goals in each of eight personal dimensions: academics, citizenship, cultural awareness, aesthetics, ethical development, leadership, social relationships, and wellness. Students are required to participate in community service projects and participate in activities and programs to fulfull the requirements of each of the eight dimensions. Contact: W. Steve Watson at Website
Personal Honor on Public Display
In order to promote the Bridgewater College Honor Code values of personal honor, integrity, and respect for the word of another, Bridgewater College engages in the unique practice of displaying framed statements about personal honor in all classrooms. The Honor System is controlled and administered by the Honor Council, which is a part of the student government. E-mail: William E. Abshire, Ph.D. at
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