Framing the Photo Contest: 5 Essential Pulse Checks for International Development Communications
With opportunities for instant communication through social media comes an essential reminder for our upcoming photo contest, “to carefully consider all content before we hit publish.” Blogger and social-change enthusiast, Sophie Savage, shares five personal “pulse-checks” that promote ethical and responsible communication practices.
Savage embraces the peril and possibility at the heart of our easily-enabled storytelling:
For communication-savvy people, we consider this an enormous possibility. An increasingly digital world means an audience of listeners is open to us immediately, and eagerly waiting for the next thought to ponder, like, and re-share. We can blog, vlog, tweet, post, insta-everything. It’s inspiring, and begs participation.
Check out her five pulse checks featured on the excellent development communications site, How Matters.
Stay tuned by signing up for email updates on the right, or following us on Twitter or Facebook. is supported by a network of universities and has recently received support from the Henry Luce Foundation.
This initiative is therefore made possible in part through the generous support of the Henry Luce Foundation, which is dedicated to encouraging the highest standards of service and leadership. The Henry Luce Foundation seeks to bring important ideas to the center of American life, strengthen international understanding, and foster innovation and leadership in academic, policy, religious and art communities.
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