Campus Compact Blog
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Engaging Students in the Election: 45 Ways Faculty and Administrators Can Still Make a Difference
Two years ago, I worked with Campus Compact to create a non-partisan project that pulled together effective election-engagement ideas from campuses nationwide and worked to help colleges and universities implement them. Campus Compact then collected many of these best practices at their Campus Vote Initiative site, a great resource for what we can still do to help students become engaged in the elections. I’ve now compiled a more detailed list of 45 involvement approaches that can still make a difference. You won’t have time to do all of them, but with luck, your school is already doing some and whatever you can do will help. The more that all of us can do to make clear why this election matters and to help students navigate barriers from their own frustration, insulation and cynicism to Byzantine registration and voting regulations, the more will show up at the polls. Read More
– Excerpt from the article featured in The Huffington Post.