Community Issues SL Course
Course Description and Objectives The course will draw from students’ collective learning experiences in their community-based service learning. Core concepts about democracy in America, the land-grant university’s historic mission, and about how everyday citizens collectively can build a strong democracy will be introduced. Students will also be introduced to the range of ways that citizens participate in democratic decision-making and will practice some of these forms. The course is based on the reciprocal relationship between practice in the community and readings, reflections, and exercises in class. Assignments ask you to reflect on your community-based practice and apply concepts in the…
Contemporary Issues in Youth Development and Youth Policy: International and Spanish Context, A Praxis Experience in Theory, Research, Policy and Practice
Course Prerequisites: Students should have completed one or more of the following courses: Introduction to Anthropology, Political Science. Psychology, Sociology, Economics, and/or related subject matter. In addition, students should be able to read at an intermediate to advanced level in English and Spanish. Much of the subject matter will require a high level of bilingual transferability and shifting back and forth between sources, literature, and research written in both languages. Students will also be asked to access Internet and web based sites in the United States and through resources within the European Union and European Council. Youth Development and Youth…
Housing and Homelessness
Sociology 389: Project Community, Winter 2003 HOUSING and HOMELESSNESS SECTIONS GSI: Jessica Charbeneau Office: 4518 LSA Mailbox: 3009 LSA Office Hours: M & W by appointment Email (best way to reach me): Program Assistant: Kim Love Email: Welcome to Project Community! Project Community is a unique learning opportunity that pairs sociological theory with community service. In other words, through your involvement in Project Community, you are constantly making the link between your “lived” experiences in the community and the concepts and theories presented in this, and other, courses. This, in a nutshell, is what C. Wright Mills means…
Methods of Policy Analysis and Presentation
GOAL: Develop skills required in gathering, analyzing, and presenting information to assist public service agencies in the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of policies. SKILLS YOU WILL DEVELOP: Negotiating with a client to determine the goals and structure of a research project. Working with supervisors, clients, colleagues and experts in designing and implementing a research project. Using statistics and graphs to help clients understand the information collected. Managing time and understanding what it takes to produce a professional product. Developing an understanding of how government and non-profit organizations try to improve society. Examine the role of research methods in the formulation,…
Comparative Public Health & Environmental Policy
I. COURSE DESCRIPTION:This course will begin with a comparative review of Mexican and United States history and government, followed by study of selected health and environmental problems along the border of the United States and Mexico. Next we will study the public policies designed to address those problems. After two weeks of intensive classroom study, students will travel to the border to observe conditions and to study and undertake a service-research project related to environmental-health issues. The service project will allow students to utilize public health and environmental skills to assist low income populations in the border region, and thus…
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Virtual Symposium: Anti-Racist Community
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Renewing Democracy Teaching Collection

Community Colleges for Democracy: Aligni

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Community-Engaged Learning and Teaching

Knowledge Hubs
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Civic Action Plans
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Creating Space for Democracy: A Primer o

The Craft of Community-Engaged Teaching

Books & Publications
National Issues Forums Issue Guide: A Ho