Community Issues SL Course
Course Description and Objectives The course will draw from students’ collective learning experiences in their community-based service learning. Core concepts about democracy in America, the land-grant university’s historic mission, and about how everyday citizens collectively can build a strong democracy will be introduced. Students will also be introduced to the range of ways that citizens participate in democratic decision-making and will practice some of these forms. The course is based on the reciprocal relationship between practice in the community and readings, reflections, and exercises in class. Assignments ask you to reflect on your community-based practice and apply concepts in the…
Campus Election Engagement Project – Engagement Needs Assessment
Campus Electoral Engagement Needs Assessment
Diversity, Community & Service
REQUIRED TEXTS (available at PC Bookstore) Margaret L. Andersen & Patricia Hill Collins, eds. Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology. Charles Taylor, et al. Multiculturalism. …and other readings to be provided in class. COURSE DESCRIPTION One of the core requirements for Public Service majors and minors, this course is offered for the first time this spring. As such, I will be experimenting with format, reading materials, and assignments. You will have as much to say about the final form this course takes as this syllabus– to borrow (sort of) my colleagues’ words, this will not be a “virtual syllabus,” but…
Service-Learning in the Latino Community
Course Description: This course is service-learning based and provides an immersion opportunity in a real world Spanish-speaking environment. It is in keeping with the mission statement of the university “to educate individuals to think and act as ethical leaders and responsible citizens in the global community.” The student is required to perform hours of service as designated on the course calendar with a community partner. The American Association of Community Colleges defines Service-Learning as a combination of “community service with academic instruction, focusing on critical, reflective thinking and personal and civic responsibility. Service-learning programs involve students in activities that address…
Project D.C.: Urban Research Internship
Institution: Georgetown University Discipline: Sociology / Urban Studies / Internship / Service-learning / Seminar Title: Project D.C.: Urban Research Internship Instructor: Sam Marullo Department of Sociology, Georgetown University Project D.C.: Urban Research Internship Fall 2001 Professor Sam Marullo Office: ICC 596 Phone: 687 3582 Email: Office Hours: T, Th 2:30 4:00 and other times by appointment The Project D.C. course is designed as a community based research seminar. The central feature of the course is that each student will work in a research internship with a community based organization (CBO) or a D.C. government agency in order to undertake…
UVM and the Local/Regional Economy (Community Development & Applied Economics 295)
Instructors: Richard Schramm CDAE Department, UVM 103A Morrill Hall 656-0292, office hours: Tues, Wed, Thurs 2:00-3:00 pm or by appointment Nancy Brooks Economics Department, UVM 231 Old Mill Bldg 656-0946, office hours: Tues. 2:00-3:30, Wed. 1:30-3:00 pm Project-related websites 1. Burlington/UVM COPC- 2. HUD Office of University Partnerships- 3. COPC research from around the country- 4. City of Burlington 5. University of Vermont Overview: This field study course asks what are the economic impacts of UVM on the regional/local economy and how might the university change its employment and purchasing to further benefit…
Introduction to Service in Multicultural Communities – Section 2: Youth Literacy and America Reads
Community Participation University Learning Requirement (CP) Successful college graduates posses skills and knowledge in many areas. Among these include collaboration, leadership, active citizenship, multicultural understanding, reflective thinking, critical analysis, and the ability to be a change agent in their community. The ULR in Community Participation (CP) is designed to foster the development of self reflective, culturally aware and responsive community participants through reciprocal service and learning. Successful completion of SL200 with a grade of C or better fulfills this requirement. Students acquire competencies in Community Participation through reflecting on an ongoing, service experience (minimum of 30 hours/semester) with and requested…
Community-Based Research in Urban Settings
Introduction and Background to the Course In November 1999, the DU/Northwestside Schools Partnership received funding to collaborate with the Piton Foundation in a research and evaluation component of the DeWitt-Wallace/Beacon Project Evaluation. Beacons are extended-service schools—schools that open before the start of the traditional academic day and offer a range of enriching activities in the afternoon through evening hours, as well as on weekends and over the summer. Their purpose is to answer the pressing need for productive and meaningful activities for children and youth during the non-school hours. There are three Beacon sites in Denver: Cole Beacon Neighborhood Center,…
Public Service, Community Organizing, and Social Change
Through service-learning, this seminar explores the experience of democratic citizenship in a multicultural society, focusing on the role of the activist in public service, community organizing, and social change. Internships in Philadelphia or Chester (5 hours/week), dialogue with local activists, and popular education pedagogy enrich reflection upon and analysis of other topics, including: individual and community empowerment; public policy at the grassroots; urban politics; communication and coalition-building across differences of race, gender, class; leadership and organizing skills development. In the United States near the end of the 20th century, poverty, racism, homelessness, inadequate education, lack of access to health care,…
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