Psychology SL Internship Course
Course Description Provides students with opportunities for learning through practical experience in a professional setting. The intern will be given the chance to relate principles presented in textbooks and classroom settings to real-life situations, under responsible supervision. Course Objectives This course will: Provide the opportunity for students to actively examine their values, with respect to their roles both as individuals and professionals, within the broader social context Provide the opportunity for students to understand the need for a sense of community and shared endeavor, while concurrently appreciating professional, cultural, and personal diversity Help students develop sensitivity to the close interdependence…
Psychology Integration SL Year-long Course
This Capstone Seminar in the fall is part of a 2-course sequence. The overarching theme for both courses is “Culmination and Integration— A Year in Living the Mission of LMU.” The Capstone Seminar in Fall 2015, drawing on the Bio-Psycho-Socio/Cultural model and the gifts of discernment and Ignatian Spirituality lay the theoretical foundation for a more practical aspect of the year-long objectives in Spring 2016. The seminar in the fall (Part I) is designed to enliven the first 2 pillars of the LMU Mission, the Encouragement of Learning (in all its forms) and the Education of the Whole Person. The…
Psychiatric Nursing SL Course
Catalog Course Description: This course will focus on primary, secondary, and tertiary care of patients across the lifespan with psychopathology and/or psychosocial integrity variances. Students will incorporate a holistic perspective in planning individualized care for patients in an acute behavioral health care unit and in the community. Experiential learning will take place in an acute care clinical setting and in a community setting. Pre-requisites: NUR383, NUR 385, and NUR387. Spring semester. Course Outcomes: American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Expected Student Learning Outcome (ESLO) Institutional Student learning Outcomes (ISLO) See below for the full syllabus: Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing SL Course…
Developmental Psychology
Overview: This course examines human development from conception through early adulthood with special a special focus on issues related to race, class & gender. It involves a 12-hour service-learning component in Head Start preschool classroom in Bridgeport CT where you will have the opportunity to act as “participant observers” and learn directly from the children, their teachers, and their families about child development and the complex array of biological, psychological, social, and political issues that impact on the course of healthy development. This course fulfills the U.S. Diversity requirement. Required Text: Berk, L.E. (2012). Infants, children and adolescents. (7th Edition). …
Health Psychology
Course Description: Health is experienced within a broad psychosocial context. Physical states affect mental states and mental states can and do influence the course of both health and illness. This course investigates the relationship that exists between physical and mental health. Emphasis is placed on the role that psychological and social factors play for both physical health and illness. The course also examines stress and stress management techniques. Course Objectives: Students will understand how psychologists in the field of Health Psychology study the mind –body interaction. Students will acquire knowledge on the theories and empirical findings linking psychological and social…
Motivations and Movements: Exploring Careers in the Behavioral and Social Sciences
Required textbook: Focus on Community College Success , Constance Staley. Wadsworth. Description: This Learning Community Seminar is a 3-credit college level course designed to help incoming students make a successful transition to College. The Seminar enables students to reflect and explore college and career goals; introduce students to a range of college resources aimed at helping them establish academic goals; solve academic, personal and social problems; and overcome potential barriers to success; develop critical thinking, information literacy and communication skills; collaborate in active, diverse learning environments; and make connections between classroom learning and the larger community. Core Theme: “What is…
Industrial/Organizational Behavior
Course Objectives/Description This course offers a broad description and examination of the psychology of behavior at work, including the major theories, their applications in the work place, and research investigations of both. The course will examine job analysis, employee selection, employee training, the performance appraisal process, worker motivation, job satisfaction, worker stress, groups and teams, leadership, and human factors. A thorough understanding of social scientific research methods and current psychological research findings are emphasized. This course requires a service-learning activity. Service-learning is an educational philosophy whose goal is to enhance student learning in a more profound and lasting way by…
Psycology 490, Senior Seminar
Course Objectives: The goal of this course is to provide experiences that allow you to reflect deeply on a theme. The theme we will explore this semester is happiness and well-being. We will explore this using several strategies. First, you will be allowed to select a more specific topic related to the theme to explore in a brief research paper. Secondly, we will read texts that serve as contrasting cases related to the theme. We will explore these cases using discussion questions to guide us. Finally, we will examine this theme through our experience with a service-learning project. Texts: The…
Human Growth and Development
Phone: Email: Office: Room B-140 Office Hours: TBA DESCRIPTION Human Growth and Development is planned to acquaint you with developmental concepts in psychology and to give you an understanding of the basic dynamics, which underlie human behavior at various stages in the lifespan. You will have the opportunity to study human development from conception through childhood. Course content will include important theoretical models of human development and such specific topics as genetics, learning, intelligence, socialization, personality, sex-role identification, language acquisition, and moral development. You will be investigating these processes in relation to biological, psychological, socioeconomic and cultural factors. Your…
Psychology as a Social Science
REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS Rings, S.L., & Kremer, J.F. (2000). Introductory psychology: Psychology as a social science (8th ed.). Indianapolis, IN: Psychology Department. COURSE REQUIREMENTS All students are expected to complete the following recitation requirements: 1. Attend and participate in all recitations. 2. Read course materials. 3. Bring completed tickets to the beginning of class meetings. 4. Take and pass quizzes. 5. Participate in community service a minimum of 2 hours/week for 12 weeks (5-6 hours per week for Freshman Community Service Scholars) at School 44, Riverside Academy, 2033 Sugargrove Ave. (approx. 4 blocks north, 3 blocks east of Bush Stadium). 6….
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