Navigating international, interdisciplinary, and indigenous collaborative inquiry
This report describes how members of the Yup’ik, Inupiat, Eveny, Inuit, and Sámi communities came together to develop and negotiate a research agenda to study indigenous youth in five international circumpolar communities. The planning workshop involving youth, adult community members, and academics is examined as a participatory methodology for international communities conducting research with shared interests. This paper is therefore useful to faculty and communities engaging in international participatory research projects or partnerships. Ulturgasheva, O., Wexler, L., Kral, M., Allen, J., Mohatt, G.V., & Nystad, K. (2012) Navigating international, interdisciplinary, and indigenous collaborative inquiry. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship,…
Adapting western research methods to indigenous ways of knowing
This article is a call for exploring, valuing and using Indigenous knowledge and methods on an equal footing with Western knowledge and methods, and for integrating Indigenous and Western methods when appropriate. The authors present a case study of an intervention research project to exemplify a clash between Western research methodologies and Indigenous methodologies, and how they attempted reconciliation. They provide implications for future research based on lessons learned from their Native American community partners, who voiced concern over methods of Western deductive qualitative analysis. Simonds, V. W., & Christopher, S. (2013). Adapting western research methods to indigenous ways of…
The Latino Community of the D.C. Metropolitan Area
Instructor: Marcy Fink Campos, Ed. S. American University The Latino Community of the D.C. Metropolitan Area Spring 2014 American Studies 340.001 CB Course Overview and Methodology This course explores the Latino community of the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, its history and origins, as well as current challenges and contributions. The DC/MD/VA (DMV) region is estimated to house about 805,000 Latinos, and over 250,000 are of Salvadoran origin. According to the 2010 census, 9.1 %…
Hispanic Cultural Studies
Course Description This class is a survey of pre-Columbian civilization and the impact of the Encounter with Europe, modern-socio-historical, cultural and political events which shape present-day Latin America. This semester the course will focus on cultural resistance to colonization and other forms of social injustice in Latin America. Participants will study a diversity of textual forms generated to resist oppression (poetry, songs, murals, films, tapestries). Topics for class discussion are the ownership of culture by the marginalized, cultural products as tools for empowerment; the way diverse socio-political contexts trigger different cultural responses, and political participation and involvement in human rights…
Multicultural Issues in Urban Affairs
URBAN SEMESTER PROGRAM Multicultural Issues in Urban Affairs HE470 Seminars are normally embedded in the site visits. 3 credits This course uses New York City as a classroom. The landscape, built environment, and people in it are our texts. A great teacher, Paolo Freire, once said that we need to learn how to “read the word and the world.” This is what we will do in this course with an emphasis on reading the world. Two parts direct our attention. The first part focuses us on the formation and development of this multicultural city. We will traverse lower Manhattan…
Understanding Diversity in a Pluralistic Society through Service Learning
S100 Understanding Diversity in a Pluralistic Society: Understanding Diversity through Service Learning Marie Watkins, Ph.D., ACSW Telephone: 274-2713 Grading Plan: The intention of the point system is to provide students with a plan to monitor their ability to successfiffly complete different components of the class. Students are to keep track of their own points achieved, as well as maintain all information received from the instructor in their workbooks. PARTICIPATION IN EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING ACTIVITEES: Class Attendance: As stated during class, the course activities are designed to encourage cooperative teaming about theories, feelings and beliefs about issues of diversity. Therefore, discussions, peer…
Strangers in Strange Lands: Immigrants and Refugees
Worldwide immigration and refugee flows are at an all time high because of political, economic, and environmental upheavals. While US and Canadian approaches to cultural integration have become models for European countries now facing increased immigration, most countries are also becoming more resistant to newcomers and the supposed burden they place on the society. As an example, recent legislation to reform US welfare laws, also targeted non-citizen immigrants. We will primarily examine cases of immigrants and refugees to the United States. Should we change our immigration policies? Our integration policies? In many ways a comparatively open immigration policy is a…
Spanish 135 – Latin American Cultures and Civilizations
Span 135Fall 2000 Required text: Castellanos, Rosario. (1996) Ciudad Real . Alfaguara, México.Castillo, Ana. (1994) Massacre of the Dreamers; essays on xicanisma. Plume, Penguin Boocs USA Inc., 375 Hudson, Street, New York, NY 10014. Fuentes, Carlos. (1998). El espejo enterrado. Taurus, México.García Márquez, Gabriel (1996) Noticia de un secuestro. Grupo editorial Norma. Buenos Aires, Argentina.Martínez, Tomás Eloy. (1995) Santa Evita. Vintage Español. Random House Inc. New York.Menchú, Rigoberta (1998) Rigoberta: La nieta de los mayas. Aguilar. México.Sandoval, Manuel Lucena (1998) La América precolombina. Anaya, Madrid, España.Santiago, Esmeralda (1994). Cuando era puertorriqueña. Vintage Español. Random House, Inc. New York. Prerequisites: Completion of Spanish…
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