Individual & Community
Individual & Community Seminar IC 101.07 honors Professor Joni Doherty Phone: X1025 (Home: 924 0206, please do not call after 9 p.m. unless it is an emergency!) Email: Office: Edgewood 005B Office hours: Mondays, 1:30 to 2:30 pm; Tuesdays, 10:00 to 12:00 noon; or by appointment Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:40 to 2:55 Location: CR205 Peer Advisor: Melissa Taylor Phone: 2961 Email: Course Description The questions raised by the relationship between the individual and the community form the connective theme of the general education program at Franklin Pierce College. As the first step in the sequence of our…
Managing Corporate Ethics
MERRIMACK COLLEGE Francis E. Girard School of Business and International Commerce Management 360A – Managing Corporate Ethics Instructor: Dr. Gina Vega Tel (978) 837 5000 x 4338 Home (978) 521 7601 Office: O’Reilly 402 (hours are posted and by appointment) email: Required Text: Johnson, Craig E. Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership: Casting Light or Shadow. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 2001. Please keep current on business/social/ethics/public policy issues by reading a newspaper such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times or The Boston Globe and a business magazine such as Fortune on a regular basis. Additional…
Social and Ethical Issues in Business
College of Business Administration Meets: T 4:00-6:40 pm, BA 342 Schedule Number: 22315 Instructor: Assoc. Professor Craig P. Dunn, Ph.D. Office: SS 3105 Office Hours: 3:00-4:00 pm T and by appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION: Ethics of various issues in business, including social responsibility, environmental protection, privacy, individual rights, occupational safety and health, product liability, equality of opportunity, and the morality of capitalism. What is the corporation? Do corporations–and more particularly the managers who represent them–have any responsibilities beyond seeking to maximize shareholder wealth? Is the term “business ethics” an oxymoron? What is the source of moral truth? These and other related…
“On Death & Dying”
Freshman Seminar – Integrative Studies Course Description Since the publication of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’ book, On Death & Dying, there has been an explosion of interest in the subject of death and of death education. Such interest is quite healthy because dealing with death and dying allows us to grow and know more about ourselves as human beings. When we have been honest with ourselves as finite beings and have confronted the human reality of death, we may learn to live and help others to live fuller and more meaningful lives. The study of death and dying permits us to learn…
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