Anthropology Field Study SL Course
COURSE CURRICULUM SCHEDULE The 2016 archaeological field school will continue investigations designed to identify, investigate, and interpret the physical remains of Fort St. Joseph (20BE23) and contemporaneous sites in the St. Joseph River valley of southwestern Michigan. This year we will expand our excavations on the floodplain (Fort St. Joseph—20BE23) and continue to explore adjacent areas. Students in the field school will receive instruction in surveying techniques, proper field excavation, artifact processing and analysis, and interpretation of findings as part of a long-term program devoted to exploring colonial interactions between Native Americans and Europeans in the North American fur trade….
Community-based archeology: Research with, by, and for indigenous and local communities
The past two decades have brought important changes to the ways archaeologists engage with indigenous, descendant, local communities and the public at large. This book outlines the principles of CBPR and demonstrates how CBPR can be effectively applied to archeology. It provides theoretical discussions as well as practical examples of CBPR in archeology. Atalay, S. (2012). Community-based archeology: Research with, by, and for indigenous and local communities. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. Full Text.
Introduction to The Theory and Practice of Archaeology
About this class: Archaeology is teamwork, and succeeds best when people cooperate, share each other s work assignments and contribute together to achieve the project s goals. Several of the course assignments have been designed with that in mind. It is my hope that we can constitute ourselves on the model of an archaeological team, working together to achieve the common goal: becoming archaeologists in theory and practice. COURSE GOALSAn introduction to the theory and practice of archaeology; i. e., how and why archaeology is done and what can be learned from it. A. Introduction to the theoretical framework that…
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