Environmental Science SL Course: Hydrology
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The “OVU EcH2O Water Purification Research Project” will underpin the study of water sciences in this course. Students will study the hydrological cycle, water chemistry, environmental pollution and control, water contamination and methods for water purification. All students will be expected to demonstrate a mastery of all topics through successful completion of quizzes, problem sets, and exams as well as a water purification design assignment. Table 1 Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Standards Addressed Activities Assessments Articulate the knowledge and skills of contemporary science NSTA 1.A, 1.B., 1.C., 1.D, and 1.E Class discussion, peer presentations, and research paper Quizzes, assignments,…
Advanced Agribusiness Applications
Advanced Agribusiness Applications – AGBS 170 – Fall 2012California State University, FresnoDepartment of Agricultural BusinessCourse No.: AGBS 170 I Instructor: Annette E. Levi, Ph.D. Time: TTH 2:00-3:15pm Office #: Peters Business 301Final: Thurs. Dec 20, 3:30pm E-mail: alevi@csufresno.eduLocation: S 145 Telephone: 559.278.3004Prerequisite: AGBS 110, 120, 130, 150, 160 and UD WritingCatalog DescriptionResearch methods applied to agricultural business, problem definition and solution formulation; data collection and analysis using statistics and other techniques. Culminating activities may include research proposal, feasibility study, project review, business plan, strategic management, case study, written reports and oral presentations. Service-Learning Course Portion AGBS 170 is a senior-capstone course where students will apply a…
Taking Animals Seriously
Taking Animals Seriously Kathie Jenni / University of Redlands Course Description: A four week long internship at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah that is grounded in study of the history, issues, philosophies, and strategies of the animal welfare movement. One and one half days per week are devoted to class time; the remaining three and one half days each week are devoted to full time work in all aspects of the Sanctuary: cleaning, feeding and watering, socializing with and exercising animals, veterinary care, adoption services, humane education, and community outreach. Students may specialize in one facet of animal…
Freshwater Ecology/Limnology
Course Number: BI 3184 F99Credits: 4SC 4; see schedule at officePrerequisites: BI 1014 and BI 1024 or BI 1114 and BI 1124 and either BI 2004 or GL 1023Class Hours: 3 hours lecture and one 3 hour laboratory weeklylecture: 1530-1645 hrs T R ES/KH 14 *laboratory A: 1430-1720 hrs M ES/KH 14laboratory B: 1230-1520 hrs R ES/KH 14Semester Offered: FallService Learning: Included in context of class responsibilities plus additional work Course Description:Freshwater ecology/limnology entails the study of aquatic organisms in relation to the environmental conditions of lakes and streams. Lotic and lentic waters will be characterized and contrasted. The physical,…
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