Course Description: Graduates (~5) and upper-level undergraduate students (~15) from Biology, Chemistry and Geology will learn about the various classes of toxicants (including those naturally occurring), how toxicants move in ecosystems and within organisms (humans, animals, and plants). Lectures will cover chemical transformations and mechanisms of toxicity. This course will also introduce the students to how controlled toxicity experiments are conducted, how data is reduced, and the power of statistical analyses to identify significant effects. A case study approach will be utilized in lecture and labs to examine the toxic effects of acidification, heavy metals, PCB, insecticides, and environmental endocrine…
HIV/AIDS and Its Biological and Social Impact
PHILOSOPHY OF GENERAL EDUCATION A complex array of forces continually transforms our world. Marygrove’s general education program engages these forces, providing opportunities to examine them from different disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives. Our objective is not only to disseminate information about forces that shape our world but also to intensify our critical thinking about them. At Marygrove we try to make certain that all the courses you take will help you develop skills that can be put to use in your professional and personal life. The classes are designed to assist you in: Strengthening writing, critical thinking, oral communication, and research…
Biology in Engineering
Course designations: This is a service-learning course, and a communication intensive course Course description: Effect of variability and constraints of biological systems on engineering problem solving and design; engineering units; engineering report writing; oral report presentation; laboratory demonstration of biological engineering analysis. Objectives: After completing this course, you should be able to: Define and discuss engineering and biological engineering. Have a better appreciation of yourself and your learning process, including why you picked this major. Understand in some depth the area of biological engineering in which you want to study Communicate effectively with your community partner(s) and your peers, and…
Animal Cognition & Consciousness
PHIL/COGS/BIOL 314 PHIL 414 Animal Cognition & Consciousness with laboratory component Required Readings: Rader & Radner, Animal Consciousness Dennett, Kinds of Minds Allen & Bekoff, Species of Mind Bekoff, The Cognitive Animal Altmann 1974 Observational study of behavior Many articles and excerpts posted on the Blackboard site. Be sure you can access Blackboard! Course Description: This course examines the notions of intelligence, cognition, reasoning, consciousness, and mental content as they appear in the philosophical views and empirical studies of animals in individual and social contexts. Cognitive ethology strives to scientifically measure the extent and limits of the mental lives of animals. We will…
Communication and Aging
Course Description Course content includes the study of: biological, psychological, and sociological aspects of communication in normal aging and in a variety of disorders of speech, language, cognition, and hearing that affect elderly adults; diagnostic and treatment issues related to communication in aging; political, cultural, economic, and national health care issues affecting the delivery of services to assist elderly adults with communication disorders; expansion of career. opportunities in geriatric communication disorders. Service-Learning Component A large focus of this offering of HSS 733 will be on its service-learning component. Service- learning is an experiential teaching/learning approach that emphasizes active, engaged learning…
Field Botany
*Note: If class participants agree, the hours of some field trips may be extended to allow for travel time. In addition, an all day field trip is planned for Friday, June 6. MOST CLASS MEETINGS WILL INVOLVE FIELD TRIPS AND WE WILL LEAVE PROMPTLY AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH CLASS. PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE IF YOU WILL BE ABSENT SO WE DON’T WASTE TIME WAITING FOR YOU! PLAN TO ARRIVE AT THE CLASSROOM AT LEAST FIVE MINUTES PRIOR TO STARTING TIME. YOUR GRADE WILL BE COMPROMISED IF YOU MISS CLASS, PLEASE BE RESPONSIBLE!!!! Texts: 1. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, by Lawrence…
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