Kinesthetic Learning Course: Experiental Methods & Practices
Catalog Description: Examination, application, and analysis of the methods and benefits of the kinesthetic teaching style; including educational theory, purpose, and practice. Students will conduct research projects that involve designing, developing, and implementing psychomotor, cognitive, and affective skill building lesson plans using kinesthetic methods. Attending a live dance performance is required. Offered annually. Course Overview: This is a research course with a service learning component. The class format includes lecture and discussion, reading the text and recommended handouts, viewing videos, studio work, and practical experiences at the college and in community settings in the form of service learning projects. Learning…
Adapted Physical Education
HPER P398 Adapted Physical Education Course Introduction Welcome to your service learning experience focusing on the community of disability and physical activity. The purpose of this class is three-fold: (1) to understand the legal requirements as designated by Public Law 108-446, (2) to understand the unique characteristics of disability and how it can affect teaching, and (3) to learn as you participate in your service learning experience, the unique attributes of families and individuals with disabilities as it pertains to their challenges, their development, and their daily life. The course philosophy is, “We must become the change we want to…
Teaching Movement in the Schools
Institution: University of Montana Discipline: Dance / Education / Physical Education Title: Teaching Movement in the Schools Instructor: Karen Kaufmann Model: Discipline-based Rating: 5 out of 5 DA 427 Teaching Movement in the Schools Course Requirements Class Attendance Attendance is extremely important. More than two absences will lower your grade. If you miss a class, it’s your responsibility to get the material you missed from someone else in the class. Lesson Plans (15%) Write 3 original “practice” lesson plans (specify age levels) “Space” due: September 18 “Time” due: October 1 “Energy” due: October 10 (peer assessment) Mid term Exam (20%)…
Health and Physical Education for Classroom Teachers
PED 316: Health & Physical Education for Classroom Teachers Fall Semester 2002 Dr. Judith Ausherman, CHES (Tuesday) – Ms. Rosemary Lassiter (Wednesday) – OFFICE/PHONE PE Building 222,(216) 687 4884 (HPERD main office X4870) (Ausherman) PE Building 213, (216) 687 4839 (HPERD main office X4870) (Lassiter) OFFICE HOURS: Monday & Tuesday 2:00 3:30 pm or by appointment REQUIRED READING Pettifor, B. (2001). Physical Education Methods for Classroom Teachers. Human Kinetics. Telljohann, S.; Symons, C; & Miller, D. (2001). Health Education in Elementary & Middle School. McGraw Hill. Ausherman, J. (2003). CSU Partners with Reach Out and Read Manual. CATALOGUE…
Adapted Physical Activity
OFFICE: Sturzebecker Health Sciences Center Room 306 OFFICE HOURS: Monday 10:30-11:45; Tuesday 2-3; Wednesday 3-5:45 PURPOSE OF COURSE: To provide physical education majors with the skills, knowledge and attitudes: 1) to provide individuals with disabilities appropriate physical activities, 2) to prepare participants with disabilities for lifetime fitness pursuits in the community and vocational setting, 3) to advocate for appropriate physical activities for individuals with disabilities in fitness centers and community at large; 4) to modify the environment for participation of individuals with disabilities in their least restrictive environment. REQUIRED TEXT AND MATERIALS: a) TEXTBOOK: Auxter, Pyfer, & Huettig. (1997). Principles…
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