Psychiatric Nursing SL Course
Catalog Course Description: This course will focus on primary, secondary, and tertiary care of patients across the lifespan with psychopathology and/or psychosocial integrity variances. Students will incorporate a holistic perspective in planning individualized care for patients in an acute behavioral health care unit and in the community. Experiential learning will take place in an acute care clinical setting and in a community setting. Pre-requisites: NUR383, NUR 385, and NUR387. Spring semester. Course Outcomes: American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Expected Student Learning Outcome (ESLO) Institutional Student learning Outcomes (ISLO) See below for the full syllabus: Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing SL Course…
Roadmap for a participatory research-practice partnership to implement evidence
In this paper, two Nursing professors describe their experience with using research to facilitate the integration of evidence into clinical practice at the point-of-care. Through their research, the professors developed the Queen’s University Research Roadmap for Knowledge Implementation (QuRKI), which they describe here. QuRKI serves as a guide for researchers in the formation of a strategic alliance with the practice community for undertaking evidence-informed reorganization of care. Harrison, M. B., & Graham, I. D. (2012). Roadmap for a participatory research-practice partnership to implement evidence. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 9(4), 210-220. Full Text.
Community-based participatory research and the challenges of qualitative analysis enacted by lay, nurse, and academic researchers
This article addresses the challenges with conducting qualitative analysis during CBPR projects, often caused by the wide range of academic preparation within the research team. The authors describe the process of conducting qualitative analysis of data on community perceptions of public maternity care in the Dominican Republic in a cross-cultural, CBPR study. The data analysis was conducted through experiential and conversational learning, which resulted in study findings that incorporated the thinking and speaking of all research team members—both community and academic. Foster, J. W., Chiang, F., Burgos, R. I., Cáceres, R. E., Tejada, C. M., Almonte, A. T., Noboa, F.,…Heath,…
Cross-cultural research: Challenge and competence
Increasing globalization, population diversity, and health disparities among non-dominant cultures necessitate cross-cultural research. This article presents approaches to dealing with the challenges of cross-cultural research, which an emphasis on how a CBPR approach can be used to conduct culturally competent research. Clark, M. J. (2012). Cross-cultural research: Challenge and competence. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 18(Supplement 2), 28-37. Full Text.
Management of Children with Acute and Chronic Conditions: Nursing of Children, Intermediate Clinical II, Section 2: Community Partnership
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: This clinical course focuses on the implementation of the roles of the advanced practice nurse in tertiary care pediatrics. Applications of nursing, biological and behavioral science are emphasized in the clinical assessment and management of acutely ill children and their families. The student gains the necessary clinical management skills to provide specialized care to acutely ill children and to assist their adaptation and the adaptation of their families. COMMUNITY PROJECT TITLE: Decreasing Diabetes Risk Factors in the Community through a Partnership between Nurse Practitioner and High School Students: Dance for Health PRE-REQUISITE(S): N684 or N685, N720, N721…
Community Service Learning I
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course involves students in community service learning theory and practice. Through Project Horizon, the University of Hartford’s community outreach program, students partner with non-profit agencies and programs serving primarily vulnerable populations. Engagement, reflection, reciprocity and public dissemination are the vehicles through which service learning is implemented. This course is designed to enhance students’ understanding of the social determinants of illness, community public health nursing and civic engagement. Co/Prerequisites: NUR 443 COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course the student should be able to: Collaborate with key players in the service learning setting to promote health and…
Community Health Nursing
Community Health Nursing FACULTY: Annette Gibson, RN, MEd, MSN Office: Room 2341 (Course Co Coordinator) Phone: (305) 237 4466 Email: Dr. Susan Fairchild, EdD, RN, APN Office: Room 2335 (Course Co Coordinator) Phone: (305) 237 4168 Email: Helen Bhagwandin, MSN, RN Office: Room 2318 Phone: (305) 237 4192 Email: Marie Etienne, MSN, ARNP Office: Room 2347 Phone: (305) 237 4288 Email: Figuly, Violeta, MSN, ARNP Office: Room 2337 Phone: (305) 237 4219 Email: Liffrock, Diane, BSN, RN Email: Angela, Russell, RN, MPH Office: Room 2322 Phone: (305) 237 4453 E mail: arussell( Gale Woolley,…
Family and Community Health Nursing
MADONNA UNIVERSITY Family and Community Health Nursing 1 FACULTY: Course Facilitator Joycelyn Montney MS, RN Assistant Professor, Community Health Nursing Office Room D 121 Office Room D 112 Phone (734) 432 5459 CREDIT: 3 semester hours Theory: 2 semester hours Practicum: 1 semester hour as assigned TIME ALLOCATION: Theory: 30 clock hours Practicum: 45 hours PREREQUISITE COURSES: All prerequisite and supporting courses (ENG, PSY, MTH, BIO, CHM, IS, SOC, HUM, LANG, ART/MUS, FCR, CIS, PHIL/HIS, COL 101); NUR 303 NUR 306 NUR 322 NUR 327 CO-REQUISITE COURSES: NUR 330 NUR 332 NUR 337 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course focuses on…
Introduction to Nursing Concepts
“People won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” -Anonymous Nursing 140 is a writing intensive course and designed to introduce core concepts related to nursing as well as the philosophy and conceptual framework of the Nursing department. Core concepts explored include client, environment, health, nursing and health patterns. Historical, philosophical, and social development of nursing and the role of the professional nurse is addressed. Students are introduced to the concepts of service-learning and given the opportunity to integrate these concepts into their professional learning activities. Health and the health continuum are discussed in terms…
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