Comparative Public Health & Environmental Policy
I. COURSE DESCRIPTION:This course will begin with a comparative review of Mexican and United States history and government, followed by study of selected health and environmental problems along the border of the United States and Mexico. Next we will study the public policies designed to address those problems. After two weeks of intensive classroom study, students will travel to the border to observe conditions and to study and undertake a service-research project related to environmental-health issues. The service project will allow students to utilize public health and environmental skills to assist low income populations in the border region, and thus…
Life Cycle Nutrition
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Life Cycle Nutrition involves the study of special nutritional needs, physiology, and health concerns of pregnant and lactating women, infants, children, adolescents, and older adults. Course components include readings, activities, and site placements that highlight the relationship of nutrition to physical and psychological growth, development and aging. This course is built on the foundation of learning from HE 215 Nutrient Supply and Demand. It addresses nutrient requirements and deficiencies, assessment of food intake and nutritional status, and nutrition service specific to: fetal development, needs of pregnancy and lactation as well as high risk situations, food habits of children,…
Nutrition, Health, and Community Schools
This course deals with food, nutrition, and health among urban minority populations in the USA. Particular attention is paid to early adolescence as the age period when diets and food intake patterns of the adult are set, and when nutrition-related conditions which are more prevalent among urban minorities – especially obesity – become manifest. This course is organized around the principles of academically-based community service, which seeks to integrate the academic, service, and research missions of a university. All students will participate in the Turner Nutritional Awareness Project (TNAP), an ongoing program which seeks to enhance the nutritional status of…
Strategic Planning in Health Services
Winter 1997 Class Meetings: Monday, 6:40 – 9:20 p.m., Lincoln Hall 205 Associate Professor of Public Health Departments of Public Administration and Public Health Education Office: Room 237, School of Urban and Public Affairs Office Hours: Monday, 4:30 – 5:30: Tuesday, 2:30 – 3:30 Or by appointment. Course DescriptionThis course introduces general concepts, models and theories of strategic planning, and develops them in terms of applications in the health services industry. Through participation in a community-based strategic planning process, students will gain experience and some expertise in the planning, decision-making and conduct of strategic planning. PrerequisitesThere are no formal prerequisites for this course. However, students are strongly encouraged to…
Health of Women
Department of Community Health Arnold Lab Room 496 BIC-214: Health of WomenSpring semester, 1999Wednesday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Clinical Advisor: Sudeep Aulakh, MD Dept. of General Internal Medicine Rhode Island HospitalPartnership: The National Women's Health Network, Washington, D.C.Staff partner: Brooke Grande Objectives:1. To develop a theoretical framework for conceptualizing what drives population patterns of health, disease, and well-being of women and girl children in relation to social and economic divisions related to race/ethnicity, class and gender. 2. To apply conceptual and methodological principles of study design and data analysis to evaluate epidemiologic and medical literature on women's health. 3….
Principles of Health Education
Professor and Chair of Health Science Director of Community-University Partnership CATALOGUE DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this course is to examine the philosophical, ethical and theoretical foundations of the professional practice of health education in school, community, work site and hospital settings, as well as in health promotion consultant activities. Students will be expected to develop their own philosophical, ethical and theoretical approach(s) to the field after becoming familiar with the literature related to the discipline and engaging in a service-learning project. The course does not fulfill the state health education requirement. Prerequisite: HSCI 120 or consent of the instructor. COURSE…
Pharmacy Practice – “Community Practice”
Taught Autumn QuartersCredit Hours: 4 (quarter) Course Description This is a class designed to allow students to experience how a pharmacist in a continuity setting would gather information and counsel patients in a variety of areas, as listed in the course syllabus. Information is provided using specific examples of specific products with emphasis is heavy in application to practice. Information on different OTC products, parapharmaceuticals, ancillary products, disease management issues, and breastfeeding issues are topics not covered in other courses. Recommendations of how products should be used or how disease management/healthcare management issues should be taught by pharmacists are also…
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