Community Nutrition SL Course
Course Description: The focus of this course is to examine the role of the dietitian/nutritionist in identifying health and nutrition problems and integrating nutritional services with medical and social services within the community. Prerequisite(s): NTRN 1513 Introduction to Nutrition or NTRN 1483 Personal Nutrition. This course will provide basic knowledge and skills relevant to the practice of community nutrition. We will cover the concept of community, the role of nutrition in health promotion and perspectives for resolving community nutrition problems. Needs assessment issues and national and state community nutrition programs, determinants of health outcomes, measurement of nutrition and health status,…
Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action
This special issue of Progress in Community Health Partnerships (PCHP), “Maximizing Community Contributions, Benefits, and Outcomes in Clinical and Translational Research,” seeks to advance the field of community-based health research by providing information, tools, and understanding of the accomplishments, best practices, and challenges that community and academic partners have experienced in their engagement with National Institutes of Health-funded Clinical and Translational Science Awardees (CTSAs) and other research entities. Shepard, P.M., Idehen, A., Casado, J., Freeman, E., Horowitz, C., Seifer, S., & Hal Strelnick, H. (Eds.). (2013). Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 7(3), 231-233.
Bridging the gap of knowledge and action: A case for participatory action research (PAR)
What is the purpose of knowledge? Is it an end product only, or a means for action for change? Who is expected to take action – the researcher, research subjects, both, or some unknown others who may come across the knowledge produced? The larger question then is: is it health research, or research for health, equity and development? This article raises these concerns in context of a study conducted in Pakistan entitled Women’s Empowerment in Muslim Contexts (WEMC). It proposes, especially, in resource poor countries, combining health research with Paolo Freire’s view of participation and change, and sees action by…
Integrating community-based participatory research and informatics approaches to improve the engagement and health of underserved populations
This study compared 5 health informatics research projects that applied community-based participatory research (CBPR) approaches with the goal of extending existing CBPR principles to address issues specific to health informatics research. Researchers found that benefits of applying CBPR approaches to health informatics research across the cases included the following: developing more relevant research with wider impact, greater engagement with diverse populations, improved internal validity, more rapid translation of research into action, and the development of people. The authors then created several principles that extended an existing CBPR framework to specifically address health informatics research requirements. Unertl, K. M., Schaefbauer, C.L., Campbell, T.R.,…
Evaluating public and community health programs
This book presents a participatory model for the evaluation of community health programs and policy interventions. It is a guide for public health and community health students, practitioners, and faculty to develop community-validated evaluation programs. Discussed are two evaluation frameworks that are most commonly used in public and community heath: the Donaldson three-step program theory-driven evaluation approach and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s six-step Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health. Methods in community assessment, planning, program design, quantitative and qualitative data collection, data analysis, and dissemination of findings are outlined as a step-by-step process to program evaluation….
A community-engaged approach to select geopraphic areas for interventions to reduce health disparities
How should researchers select the geographic locations of interventions to reduce health disparities? This paper presents the lessons learned from community-engaged selection process, in which a community-academic partnership of over 20 organizations worked to generate a 5-stage process to select an area for diabetes prevention and control programs. In conclusion, the authors suggest that using a participatory approach can be an effective way to define geographic areas for research and intervention. Cromley, E., Kleinman, L.C., Ramos, M.A., Arniella, G. , Viswanathan, M.G., & Hrowitz, C.R. (2011). A community-engaged approach to select geographic areas for interventions to reduce health disparities. Progress…
Foundations of Occupational Therapy
COURSE GOAL To provide first year students with foundational knowledge of occupational therapy as a profession and the construct of occupation, upon which all other theories and practice issues will build. COURSE DESCRIPTION This first year occupational therapy course provides a conceptual foundation for occupational therapy theory and practice. It instructs students in the concepts of occupation, activity, purposeful activity and participation; through lecture and laboratory sessions, students will experience working with the concepts they are learning. The course will examine the philosophical base of the profession, and explore the meaning and diversity of the frames of reference in…
Community Nutrition I
Course Description: This course will provide an introduction to the practice of public health nutrition, discussion of significant public health nutrition problems today, and an overview of food and nutrition programs available to the community. In addition, students in the Coordinated Program in Dietetics will integrate course information with their current community clinical placement experiences. Students in the Didactic Program in Diatetics will engage in a specific community project during the course of the semester. Required Texts Boyle, A. M. and D. H. Holben, Community Nutrition in Action: An Entrepreneurial Approach, fifth edition, Cengage, 2010. Course Objectives Students will be…
Health Psychology
Course Description: Health is experienced within a broad psychosocial context. Physical states affect mental states and mental states can and do influence the course of both health and illness. This course investigates the relationship that exists between physical and mental health. Emphasis is placed on the role that psychological and social factors play for both physical health and illness. The course also examines stress and stress management techniques. Course Objectives: Students will understand how psychologists in the field of Health Psychology study the mind –body interaction. Students will acquire knowledge on the theories and empirical findings linking psychological and social…
Program Evaluation and Management in Health
Course Description The purpose of this course is to provide students with the theoretical and practical bases for program evaluation. Students will develop basic skills in a variety of approaches to evaluation, including techniques that are particularly suitable for evaluating health promotion, community health improvement, and related health and social services programs. Course learning will be synthesized through design of an evaluation framework and methodology for a relevant program. Prerequisites There are no formal prerequisites for this course. It is assumed that students have some familiarity with health services delivery and the organization of the health system. If you…
Mental Health Assessment of Older Adults
Course Description: This course provides an introduction to mental health assessment of older adults with a service learning component. Course Objectives: To arraign knowledge and experience using select assessments to evaluate mental health functioning in older adults. To obtain a basic understanding of mental health and ethical concerns in geriatric care. To learn about the services provided and mental health issues addressed by a community-based non-profit agency. To acquire experience with isolated or homebound elders by providing reassurance and safety telephone calls in a supervised environment. Required Text: J. J. Gallo, H. R. Bogner, T. Fulmer, G. J. Paveza (2006)…
Disability and community participation: Policy, systems, change and action research
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course focuses on the intersect of disability policy, activism, and action research, and is grounded within a collaborative learning framework with disability communities. Our emphasis is placed on immersing into a critical examination of the policies, systems and practices utilized by people with disabilities to support community living and participation choice and control, as well as activism and social action initiatives to build collective power and critical consciousness. A specific focus is placed on designing, conducting and evaluating action research projects in collaboration with community organizations, activists, policy makers and constituents with disabilities from the community. Community-based…
HIV/AIDS and Its Biological and Social Impact
PHILOSOPHY OF GENERAL EDUCATION A complex array of forces continually transforms our world. Marygrove’s general education program engages these forces, providing opportunities to examine them from different disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives. Our objective is not only to disseminate information about forces that shape our world but also to intensify our critical thinking about them. At Marygrove we try to make certain that all the courses you take will help you develop skills that can be put to use in your professional and personal life. The classes are designed to assist you in: Strengthening writing, critical thinking, oral communication, and research…
The Diverse Faces of AIDS: Prevention, Education, & Treatment
This course is designed to introduce students to one of the most critical and intriguing health issues in history-the AIDS epidemic. Students in this course will learn about the diverse range of individuals impacted by HIV and AIDS and will discover the range of prevention, education, treatment, and advocacy, services that are offered throughout the Chicago metropolitan area. As students interact with those who live with HIV / AIDS and those who provide AIDS-related services, they will experience the human face of AIDS and explore the complex nature of this epidemic with its range of social, psychological, political, religious, and…
Health and Physical Education for Classroom Teachers
PED 316: Health & Physical Education for Classroom Teachers Fall Semester 2002 Dr. Judith Ausherman, CHES (Tuesday) – Ms. Rosemary Lassiter (Wednesday) – OFFICE/PHONE PE Building 222,(216) 687 4884 (HPERD main office X4870) (Ausherman) PE Building 213, (216) 687 4839 (HPERD main office X4870) (Lassiter) OFFICE HOURS: Monday & Tuesday 2:00 3:30 pm or by appointment REQUIRED READING Pettifor, B. (2001). Physical Education Methods for Classroom Teachers. Human Kinetics. Telljohann, S.; Symons, C; & Miller, D. (2001). Health Education in Elementary & Middle School. McGraw Hill. Ausherman, J. (2003). CSU Partners with Reach Out and Read Manual. CATALOGUE…
Community Health
HLTH 3400: COMMUNITY HEALTH Fall 2002 Co Instructors: Dr. Barbara Funke || Karen Ebey Tessendorf Office telephone: 478-445-1780 || 478-445-1781 Office location: 110 Centennial Center || 113 Centennial Center Email: || Office hours: M/T/W/H 11:00-12:15 & by appt. || M/F 10 10:50 a.m. T 1-4 pm webpage: I. CATALOG DESCRIPTION A survey of community health problems and methods of intervention. II. RELATIONSHIP OF COURSE TO DEPARTMENTAL MISSION This course is required for Health Education: Community Health and Human Services majors. Students take this course in order to learn the content, skills, and values clarification pieces that…
Community Assessment and Analysis
Community Assessment and Analysis Course Description: This is an advanced course in the theory and practice of community assessment in public health. Community assessment focuses on measuring a community’s health status and its determinants. It also focuses on assessing a community’s capacity to improve health. To be able to conduct assessment, students must have a working understanding of the determinants of health, as well as the “anatomy and physiology” of community. Qualitative and quantitative methods will be introduced. Applying what is learned in this course yield the information needed for community based planning and evaluation, the topics of the…
Emotional and Social Issues of Health
Course Description: The purpose of this course is to explore the major factors that comprise and affect the emotionaland social dimensions of health. It focus on two aspects ofhealth that most people tend to relegate to minor aspects ofhealth, but yet actually affect larger aspect of health than allothers. Regional Volunteer Service is required. Three credits. Prerequisites: HED 120, PSY 200 and junior status. Objectives: By the end. of the class, the student will he ableto: 1. integrate into their personal and professional liveseffective behaviors regarding comprehensive emotional andsocial health in the areas of wellness, disease preventionand health promotion; 2….
Recreation Programming
COURSE NUMBER: RLSR 335 CREDIT: 3 Semester Hours INSTRUCTOR: Donald R. Snyder COURSE DESCRIPTION: Principles and methods of program development and delivery will be explored. Emphasis will be on understanding participant leisure behavior, needs and the ways organizations create services to respond to those needs. TEXT: J. Robert Rossman, Recreation Programming. Sagamore Publishing, Inc., 1989. OBJECTIVES: 1. Understand the nature of and program strategies used in the organization of leisure services. 2. Understand the theories of program development, implementation, and evaluation. 3. Ability to apply leadership and programming skills and techniques with diverse populations in a variety of settings. 4….
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